15.3.3's default "original" crop
Has Capture One fixed that "original" rather than "unconstrained" default crop that they've inflicted on me with their the latest update? This is really messing up my workflow, and no, I'm not interested in a work around. Just fix it.
> David Grandy: Just fix it
Why not let them know?
At this place you are just telling users to fix it. That includes you.
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I assume that you mean 15.3.0 or 15.3.1 as there is no 15.3.3 as yet.
In 15.3.1, there is an option in Preferences for how aspect ratio for the crop works.
- If you choose Use global aspect ratio, you get the same crop behaviour that you used to have before 15.3. In other words if you use Unconstrained on an image and then move to a different image, the crop tool will still be set to Unconstrained.
- If you choose Use variant aspect ratio (as I have done because I prefer it) you get the "new" behaviour.
In other words, they have already fixed it - you have a choice between the old way and the new way.
If you are still on 15.3, you won't have that option in Preferences. Because of a bug, you may not see 15.3.1 offered as an update within Capture One. But if you log on to your Capture One account on the website, it is available to download.
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