Moving sessions from computer to computer
I use a windows notebook computer and Capture One 22 while I'm in the field. I only use Sessions and do as much work as I can "out there".
What I'd like to do is to move each Capture One session, with all of its contents, to my desktop computer so that I can pick up from where I left off. Is there an easy way to do this? Generally I use an interior C: drive to hold the C1 Session folders but I could easily copy the Session folders to an attached external hard drive, but does that work?
Yes it does.
Assuming all the images are in the session folder, just copy the session folder
to the desktop computer and open the cosessiondb file.0 -
I do something similar and I think that syncing the session folder to the cloud might be even more useful, because in theory you can have your work on both computers all the time, without having to copy around session files from and to your external hard drive.
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I’ve got a related query, having just returned from a photo workshop with a CO session on my PC laptop which I now want to take into my 2022 Catalogue on my Win11 desktop for further work. The difference from the OP’s post above is that on both machines I use ‘absolute’ raw file locations in folders, named by date & subject, but the locations don’t mirror on the two machines.
l’ve tried setting up a temporary arrangement on my desktop which does mirror the arrangement on the laptop (with the intention of subsequently moving the raw files under the Library tab to their proper, final location) but that doesn’t seem to work and opening the Session in CO doesn’t find any files.
I'm sure I did this successfully after my last workshop pre-pandemic, but I can’t remember how I did that.
Any advice greatly appreciated.0
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