About copying and pasting settings
I wonder if it would be possible to make the changes in Copy and pasting settings to be permanent, I try to explain what I mean.
If i color tag a picture (for example in green) then I copy the setting and after going in modify and choose to copy the color tag I can paste this color tag to any picture and this works just fine.
The problem is that if in this second picture I make some corrections (exposure, high light recovery for example) and I copy the setting if I just paste the setting to a third picture the color tag it's not pasted unless I change every single time what must be copied and pasted and this slow down my work flow a lot!
This would be very useful because some times I want to select the pictures and I want to apply some basic settings so that when I open my EIP files on my MAC PRO in my studio some work it's already done!
I hope the my problem is understandable despite my english!
best regards
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