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Color Matching when Editing in Photoshop



  • Robert Farhi

    What do you mean by "colours are completely off" ?

    The best way to proceed is to work within the same colour space all along the process.

    1) Select, as recipe in the C1 output tab tool, one with a colour space as large as possible : Prophoto RGB or ProStar are large. Develop your picture in this coulour space.

    2) Export (edit with...) the picture with this colour space, and choose as working space for Photoshop the same colour space (Prophoto RGB or ProStar): Photoshop main menu -> Edit -> Colour settings -> working space.

    Under these conditions (same working colour spaces for C1 and PS), you should get the same colours.

    Caution : If you "open with..." rather than "edit with...", PS will open the picture with its own engine and colour space.

  • FirstName LastName

  • FirstName LastName

  • FirstName LastName

  • FirstName LastName

    These are the exports parameters to EDIT WITH (not OPEN) in PS. See the difference in the color even in C1 thumbnail.

  • Robert Farhi

    Yes, very strong difference, indeed. Did you check your colour space is the same (very large) all the way round, from the beginning (opening in Capture One) to the end (opening in PS) ? It looks very much like a colour space/profile issue. Do you display the two images on the same, calibrated, monitor ?

  • FirstName LastName

    Yes, I checked all of that. It all was working fine until yesterday. Now every time I open any file in PS (not only a RAW file), i have that. 

  • Robert Farhi

    Looks like a PS related issue....

  • FirstName LastName


    PS still works fine with Lightroom but not CO, so for me it's a Capture One issue


  • Robert Farhi

    Yes, I understand. Lightroom and Photoshop are made for each other, I mean when you go from Lr to PS, there is a perfect colour matching as there is only one possibility for the colour space/profile. With the Capture One multiple recipes and working colour spaces, it's an other story.

    When you say it worked fine until yesterday, I am thinking about a misfit colour issue which happened when changing a process rather than a sudden breakdown of Capture One. At this stage, unfortunately, I can't help you any longer.

  • FirstName LastName

    thanks a lot for trying!


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