New CaptureOne -> Workspace reset!
Am I the only one who have to rebuild manually its workspace on each new CaptureOne ?
Even restoring a saved workspace does not work properly.
You're not alone, this has been a longstanding bug. Apparently, v23 doesn't fix it, huh? The saved workspaces largely work for me, except that some tools may be in their collapsed state. Are you seeing any other issues?
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To my experiences, any new C1 also .x version reset the workspace, and in v23 I could not get back my v22 workspace (maybe incompatible format).
if C1 wants to make something smart, I would like to save my workslow / shortcuts in my account, and be able to sync them onto my different machine..
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Yup, literally every update however small, tends to reset the workspace for me as well. I have not tried v23 yet but that would suck if the saved workspaces don't even work anymore. :(
I agree, saving these settings to the account would make a lot of sense. I would add this as a suggestion into the "Feature Request" thread but who knows when they will get to this.
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Oh no, really? I still haven't upgraded, waiting for at least a 16.1 version, but this is unfortunate.
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Nicolas Det, I did install the v23 trial today and despite the reset, I was able to restore my saved custom workspace. Did you save your own custom workspace or did you restore from one of the CaptureOne provided ones? I have never tried the latter, so maybe those don't work.
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