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Disable cull ?



  • Roland Meier

    Nicolas, you can disable via Group Overview->Enable Groups, the collapse the Group Overview. The settings appears to be sticky between import sessions and even after exiting the program. I would think the main concern here is to avoid the computational overhead when importing, especially when using large cards and/or a slower computer.

    Further on, you can remove the Cull Image icon via Customize Workspace. But not complete removal from the menus / import dialog.

  • Nicolas Det

    Thanks Roland.

    After trying a bit more, I could not find it interesting (in my workflow) for import yet. However, it could be a plus to sort out pictures in the main program.


    There is something I did not understand: 

    - Open the cull window

    - let C1 group the pictures (it works great!)

    - select a group and all its pictures

    - click on "done".


    -> Your selection is lost!!! 


    I though the main purpose of cull was to select pictures, but it just does not work (??)

  • Roland Meier

    My take is that it is meant to enhance the productivity of the rating process (stars, color tags) by grouping similar pictures automatically. Once tagged in this way, they can be re-selected through filters in later stages. I doesn't persist the selection itself as you say.

    In addition - during import - to find the relative best among those to select them for import, skip the others. Skipping at import may be prone to errors, potentially leading to data loss. I always import in full and perform a backup before actually culling (deleting) images in C1.

    Unfortunately, the feature doesn't seem to facilitate actual culling in its present form. I would very much prefer to import all, and then cull with the option to delete / move into catalog trash. This seems to be missing, so I've proposed an enhancement in the relevant forum. Ideally, we wouldn't have an explicit culling mode, but the grouping feature available throughout C1 instead. Not as a modal dialog just limited to tagging.

  • Nicolas Det

    Hi Roland!

    Yep indeed. To my mind those to feature should be added

    - Ability to delete/trash

    - retrain the selection

    I would also prefer to cull without an additional window..



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