Lens Corrections not applied correctly
After I have imported new images into C1 the first things I do is letting C1 analyze them for CAs and then on the first image I correct distortion and light falloff by 100%. Afterwards I apply those settings to all the images while deselecting the CA option in the window that pops up. I would now expect that all of the images are distortion free - however they are absolutely not. If the image I initially selected was taken on the 70mm end of my zoom lens and has a slight pincushion distortion then the correction for this exact distortion seems to be copied over to all the other images even if they were taken on the 24mm end of my lens end have a barrel distortion. Due to this the distortion becomes worse instead of better. As a workaround I choose the generic profile in the lens dropdown menu and directly afterwards the correct lens profile again and all the lines are straight. I have to do this for every single image. In addition to this, when I copy all settings of one image and apply them to another image the same issue with the wrong distortion correction occurs. But on top of this C1 also copies and applies the CA corrections from the initial image and causes some horrible results. I am aware that I could deselect those settings so they are not applied, but this issue didn’t occur until somewhere in the C1 22 cycle. It is extra work and stupid behaviour. Already contacted the support because of this and got an answer about this being a known issue and the team is working on it, bit even after a few new updates it still is not fixed and really annoys me and slows down my workflow when I take photos of architecture.
I don’t know how this answer relates to the issue I described. I know what the lens correction tool is supposed to do. And it did its job pretty good for a long time. And as long as I correct distortion and CAs for each image one by one it is still working. But I usually have multiple images that I am working on and I want distortion on each of them corrected by 100% depending on the lens and focal length I used. But copying and applying those setting from one image to all of the others doesn’t work and I think C1 should be intelligent enough to take the lens and focal length into consideration in that process.
Often times I don’t even need Photoshop. Especially not for that task because it would take even longer to import every image into PS just for lens corrections.0
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