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Update Capture Time is blocked



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    The writelock file is there whenever you have the catalog open - its purpose is to prevent two users from opening the same catalog at the same time. So if you are working in the catalog, to change capture date, you should expect the writelock file to exist. (When you close the catalog, it should be deleted automatically.)

    If you are getting "make sure your picture can be edited" it may be that Capture One hasn't got the access it needs to the image files. Are they on an accessible drive? Does Capture One have appropriate rights for the drive where they are located?


  • Georg Bieber

    I found out, that if my picture did not have a capture date/time (which was the case) I could not change it in C1 and I received the message "make sure your picture can be edited".

    I added the capture date/time with an exif tool. Now I can change it also in C1.



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