23 pdf manual
when will the C1 23 pdf manual be available
Hi all,
when will there be a COP user guide?2 -
The user guide is here: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000279017-User-Guide and contains everything relevant to Capture One 23 and older versions.
There are no current plans to produce a PDF version of the user guide, but please upvote this post if you feel it is required.10 -
Hi Jack,
I wanted to have a single PDF file, not a web site... :(2 -
As Jack says, there are no plans for an official PDF version of the guide. He acknowledged your interest in this already.
I'm sure they won't mind me suggesting this third party alternative guide which I have found very useful and often covers features in more detail than the official manual.
Not paid to promote this but you might find it of use. Upgrades for future versions are offered at half price as well which is welcome.
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Hi Gregory,
sorry but I paid already for the software once and there was always a single pdf manual until version 22.
And I really exspect an user guide from a "state of art" software...2 -
No need to apologise. Just making an alternative suggestion.
Just a polite and further reminder that there is a user guide provided. It just isn’t in pdf format.
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And I really exspect an user guide from a "state of art" software...
Just an observation - as far as I can see, there isn't such a thing for the current versions of
- Lightroom
- Photoshop
- Affinity Photo 2
On the other hand it seems there is one for
- ON1 Photoraw
- Luminar Neo
I haven't investigated beyond that.
So it seems that online information without a PDF is the way the world is moving.
I can second the suggestion of the Raw Capture Guide that Gregory recommended, though I appreciate that a paid product is not as attractive as a free one.
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Peter Meyer What do you feel the benefits are of having a user guide in PDF format? We do have a user guide, but it's hosted in our help center as opposed to a single document.
We feel this is more flexible and easier to update when required – but I am certainly open to producing a PDF version for Capture One 23 if there is a demand for it.
Like I said, give this post an upvote if you are here and wanting a PDF user guide.5 -
Being new to photo editing and of an age (over 60) where printed manuals were the norm, I find a PDF I can print and refer to, make notes in where not clear makes life easier. Being able to just bookmark pages in a printed manual and swap as needed is often easier than using an online manual where internet speed and manual structure can at times make page swapping frustrating.
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Hi Jack,
I want a PDF file for reading while I am offline.
There are situations where I have no Internet access.5 -
Honestly, Phase One leaves me speachless at times with their decisions or processes.
I work for a large multinational IT company who has software thats is used by tens of thousands of compaines in the world, we have somewhere in the region of 50 products and every singleone of these has pdf manuals, some come with upwards of 100 because of the size and complexity of the software.
Companies should ALWAYS provide pdf's, there are many reasons for this, including:- Internet is down in your location.
- Working on location where there is no internet.
- website restricted by a companies security policy.
- Being able to read the guide at a time YOU choose to read it, having a bath, travelling on a plane etc.
- Providing Training.
- Being Trained.
- Storing it locally in case Capture One goes bust/gets sold/is retired and url is no longer accessible (you did this to Media Pro 2).
- Allows those with disabilities to view these documents in a pdf reader that would be set-up for their disability/workflow.
- Allows the user to print and archive the information.
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If there was a PDF manual, I would probably download it, but I note that
- There is an online user guide to Lightroom Classic, but as far as I can see no downloadable PDF manual
- There is a downloadable PDF Photoshop manual on the Adobe website, but it says it was last updated in 2019
- Again, as far as I can see, there has not been a downloadable manual for Microsoft Word since 2016.
Do correct me if I am wrong about any of those.
So I suspect that this is the way the world is going these days.
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Hi Ian,
Here are some observations regarding those examples:- Lightroom and Photoshop are both Adobe products, Adobe stopped being consumer centric around the CS5 days, so prior to CC. They at this point chose the subscription method and stopped listening to their customers. This coincides with the rise of popularity and market share of Capture One and Affinity Photo.
- Using Microsoft Word as an example is pointless. Most computer users have used Word either from School or Work and is not on the same level of complexity as Capture One, but will have had some form of training and each iteration has not really changed except for cosmetic (the ribbon/save or open files etc).
A better example would be another complex piece of software like: SyncBackPro, this does come with a manual. Active Presenter, comes with a manual, SetaLight3D, comes with a manual, DaVinci Resolve, comes with a manual
So casual observation on this would be, just because other compaines are doing this, does not mean it's the correct route to go down, the only compamies doing this are the ones with the least satisfied customer base. I really hope Capture One does not go the same route, I know their IT Support is appaling and I don't have the best of opinion of them (closing my support case stating there is an issue in CaptureOne that will be going to their dev's, but company policy dictates that they will not inform customers if a fix is coming or if they even intend to fix it, for me they did the latter and I was left high and dry with no working software), but I really hope they start to listen to their customer base before they start to upset them
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No I'm not saying it's a good or a bad thing. I'm just observing that although you suggest "companies should always provide PDFs" Capture One are not alone in not doing so.
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I want the PDF too. In that way, I can add/edit notes in the pdf. Thanks
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PDF is really important. I'm waiting for PDF.
I often print manual, because my eyes can't see screen too much, after all day work :)1 -
Thank you Clive very much!!!
Good job....0 -
Clive, I'd much appreciate it if you could repost your version of the 2022 pdf with 2023 features appendeded to the end. I just subscribed to Capture One Pro and was expecting a pdf manual, as seen for earlier versions. I travel a lot and lack Internet access fairly regularly on trips. Thanks for considering.
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Hi Jack, I would be most appreciative of a pdf of the Capture One Pro 23 manual. I put manuals on my iPad (in Books or Acrobat) and do a lot of highlighting and note taking on them. Also, I travel a lot, including on liveaboard dive boats, where it's impossible to get internet access. Thanks for considering.
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Clive, I was able to download it. Thank you very much. Linda
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Hi Clive Buckley hope you don't mind me asking, but which tool did you use to produce the PDF guide? I'm going to make one for Capture One 23 (and will do so for future releases) but just wondering the method you used, as it seems pretty slick! Thanks in advance. :)
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Clive Buckley Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I don't have a license for Affinity Publisher, but it's good to know your method and I'll bear this in mind when creating it for Capture One 23.
The UI change affected this, but I think we're in a good spot to produce a PDF document. Will let you know when it's done!
Thanks again.0 -
I love this idea. It is important to me to have offline access to latest guidebook and this solution would allow us to see all content within the relevant section, rather than viewing 2022 content offline and then searching the appended stuff at the back for anything that’s different. Yes, please!
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Another vote for a PDF version of the manual. I found it very useful to read the manual by itself on an iPad without actually using the software at the same time.
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The HUGE benefit of a PDF manual is being able to do a free text search for a term you want to find references to, instead of having to navigate a large hierarchy of pages looking for the information you need. My new camera, a Fujifilm X-T5, has a very large manual but saerching it is easy in the PDF provided.
This aspect of a PDF format manual is hard to beat.
Another issue with an HTML manual is that you need to be online *all the time* in order to use it. I like to browse the manual for a new product on my phone offline sometimes, when I'm in learning mode. In any case, my internet connection can fail sometimes & it's a real pain not being able to access the manual.
The only alternative I can think of is an online-only one, which is to use Google to search the capture one website by specifying
and hope that you can find hits within the actual manual, as opposed to marketing information about Capture One :-)
There used to be tools that can automatically convert HTML manuals into PDF format, but I've not looked at this for a long time. I have previously developed a software user manual using RoboHelp, which is an excellent product enabling manual content to be output as PDF, Windows Help, and HTML.
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I understand that maintaining a pdf version of the manual is an undertaking. I would like one nonetheless, as I travel often and don't always have Internet access (like on a liveaboard dive boat for a week or 10 days at a time). Also the pdf is much more easily searched. The other post-processing software that I use, Luminar NEO, does provide a pdf manual, as well as the online. Thanks for your consideration.
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> Linda: ...maintaining a pdf version of the manual is an undertaking
Not if they maintain one source and use software to output for web, pdf or any of the e-book formats. From the same source, that is. The concept of one source for multiple output formats is very(!) well known and widely used, and it is generally regarded to be good practice.
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and what about pdf? It's still not available and I would also be pleased with getting one for C1 23...
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I raised one particular advantage of having a PDF User Guide a few months ago in the "Improve Capture One" forum related to having a "point in time" PDF guide that matches your particular perpetual license version of C1. https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/11143389260445-User-Guides-in-PDF-format-for-each-xx-x-perpetual-release
Didn't seem to get any bites though.
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I have just upgraded to Capture One Pro and expected I can download a PDF of the manual so I can always refer to even after 3-4 years. This is very important for customers who do not plan to upgrade their hardware and software for years to come.
PDF please!!!1
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