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"no upgrade product found" Issue trying to upgrade to 23



  • FirstName LastName

    The company seems to have a new policy. If your previous license holder, they're going to try to screw you over as much as possible and get every penny from you. 

  • Edu Couchez

    That's what I thought... but even if I would have updated, upgraded or whatever taking advantage of the Black Friday, complicating the process is enough to stay in 22... well, if they don't want to maintain their fellow users, we'll have to start to look for alternatives (or expect that having a perpetuel license, C1 22 doesn't stop working in a near future.

    Thank you very much!

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    I want to upgrade to 23. I'm a 22 perpetual Tried to follow the flow to uprade through my old 22 license, but receive a "no upgrade product found".

    Because you haven't bought it yet.

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    The company seems to have a new policy. If your previous license holder, they're going to try to screw you over as much as possible and get every penny from you.

    Thanks for proving that you don't have a clue...

  • FirstName LastName

    Play no attention to Keith R. This guy is a troll.

  • Edu Couchez

    Hey, thank you all... Just tried again today. Found new options that didn't were there when I tried it weeks ago. I've been able to update it.

    Anyway... I'm not a professional, but want to use the best tools for everything I love, and this year I've paid several times for updates/upgrades/sidegrades for C1 (came from Fuji only version). At the end, I don't feel has much woth the price. I'm already paying monthly an Adobe CC subscription, that being similar in price, I got far more tools for my regular job.

    At the end... the file system management for C1 is far from intuitive and bad in usability, I've lost hundreds of pictures due to this Album/Folder/Catalogs/Sessions, etc, etc... system, and still lost today with hundreds of duplicates after years with C1. 

    Thank you anyway... I'll enjoy the current version in a very critic mode. :-)


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