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Black Friday not on stand alone upgrade version ??



  • Chad

    Same Question!
    Hello CaptureOne Support? Anyone here? 

    (Thanks Daniel! Good Question! ;-)

    3..2...1...?... Back to Lightroom! ByeBye!   

  • Daniel Schulz

    As if lightroom would be an option … :)
    But I surely do not want to buy these semi professional Styles.

  • AGG

    What kind of ,,Reduced price every time you upgrade if you have a license" is this?
    I have to pay full price again? Are you guys serious? Daniel is totally right.

  • FirstName LastName

    I wondered also about the upgrade price: 209,-  to upgrade from my Capture One 21/22 license, and 209,- for a new license. "Reduced price every time you upgrade if you have a license"???  Seems to me a deceptive marketing strategy. 

  • Chad

    @ Daniel : You're right ;-) 
    I won't go back and I will not go back! 

    I don't need these "professional styles" … 

  • Chad

    …it's the only way for us to be noticed, as frankly writing in here is like pissing into the wind. 

    Oh, you mean the CaptureOne team reads my Instagram posts?  ;-))

    I think the best thing would be for everyone to start their own post on the forum, until everyone - including new customers - are always reading about CaptureOne's upgrade policy everywhere. 


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Capture One made an offer to existing licence holders that until 31 October they got 20% off the upgrade price (which is itself 33% off the usual price of a licence) for ordering in advance. I think they said at the time that this would not be superseded by better offers later (at Black Friday or some other time). So what they are doing is exactly what they told existing users they would do.

    (In previous years Capture One has taken some flak if at Black Friday a better deal was on offer because those who had responded to the pre-order offer felt hard done by.)

    So now the company has done exactly what they said they would do, and everyone is up in arms. 


  • Chad

    No. The point is that there is now a better deal for new customers as for existing customers. Today!

    That's illogical. 

    Capture One could simply repeat the October offer.
    That's what they did last year. Easypeasy! 

  • Rodney Sr.

    I admit to not feeling informed about Capture One's new pricing policy, so I was ticked off when I signed in to upgrade the software. I was shooting in New Orleans, unusually busy, and consequently missed the upgrade date by less than 24 hours. That was terrible timing on my part. Nevertheless, I downloaded the trial a week or so later. 

    Some of the so-called new features in V.23 make it easier for newcomers to use the already-existing tools in V.22. V.23 is a relatively minor upgrade in function with too many bugs. Regardless, I would have bought the upgrade yesterday if the price had been anywhere close to being reasonable out of habit. Capture One has changed this for me. 

    Because I own most, if not all, the Capture One Styles, the styles bundle offer felt like I was being punished for being a loyal and admittedly overly enthusiastic user and supporter. This is apparent because I bought styles to support Capture One's improvement, not for their value in my editing process. I would feel horrible if Capture One was my primary editing tool instead of part of my editing process. 

    I am reevaluating my relationship with Capture One as a vendor after spending many dollars upgrading with them since Capture 4 or 5. Capture One is acting like they have no competition. I am not fond of being offered new versions to save $20-30 dollars, especially this one, having used it now, before it can demonstrate its real value to me. Doing this is "like buying a pig in a poke." 

  • Rodney Sr.

    If not superseded by better offers, how about an equal price given most of us do not spend most of our time buying software? 

  • Waldy Martens

    I agree wholeheartedly and am also quite upset over this crazy pricing structure.  Bloated offers with useless styles.  Even as an owner of 4 Phase One backs(which this software was originally developed for) I have to pay extra for the "Pro" version to use with other camera models. $130,000.00 isn't enough of a threshhold to include the damn software? 

    They want to move people to subscriptions so they discourage license upgrading.  I used to upgrade my Pro licence at $69.00 and $79.00 USD for years up until a few years ago. Now I just skip a year or two as the most of these "upgrades" should actually be UPDATES as there is very little new to offer to justify it as an "upgrade". VERY disappointing pricing structure for long time working pros who have to use it as a tool for their daily workflows.  Someone in corporate needs to give their collective heads a shake.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    You don't have to buy the Styles if you don't want to - I certainly never do.


  • Daniel Schulz


    the point of this post was, that they did not discount the stand alone upgrade version but everything else. 
    A new license was cheaper than an upgrade. An upgrade WITH styles was cheaper than the non discounted stand alone version upgrade - something loyal customers have. 

    Anyway. I received an answer from Capture One. You could sum it up at : WE DON´T CARE AND ARE AWARE

    I will not upgrade to 23 for now though.
    Would have loved to support C1Pro as since version 3.x 
    But nothing new in 23 and 22 runs smooth. 


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