Tethering Fuji X-T5
I'm trying to tether my Fuji X-T5 to my macbook air M1 using Tether Tools cord. I've never had an issue with this with my Nikons, but I cannot get the camera info to read in my Capture One Session. The X-T5 is not being recognized. Any help is appreciated.
It's a pretty new camera, and when I look into the fuji forum, tethering XT5 was (11/18/22) not working even in the fuji acquire software. I would file a feature request/bug. Having said that...
According to the "supported camera list", XT5 should work with the caveat of "Fujifilm/Pro required for tethering + Live View. Xtrans to DNG not supported". Not sure what that means as I don't own Fuji anymore... I would assume it requires the fujifile pro tethering plugin?
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