Learning material has a new home!
Hi everyone!
First of all, even though it's past the socially acceptable time to say it, I would like to wish you all a "happy new year" not only from myself, but from everybody here at Capture One.
I'm excited to announce that the "Learning Hub" (learn.captureone.com) has a new home on support.captureone.com – meaning the user guide, release notes, FAQ, and the learning material for Capture One, is all in one place.
You will see it has its very own "tile" on the Help Center homepage, which contains three sections: tutorials, tool introductions, and livestreams (previously known as webinars)
All of the content is the same, and still hosted on YouTube, it's just now hopefully easier to find and get everything you need to progress with Capture One in the same place.
There are some more changes coming, that are designed to make the support, learning, and community experience a much better one. I can't wait to share the results of the work we've been putting in, and above all, we hope you find it useful and a boost to your Capture One experience.
Please also comment here if you are having any issues or difficulties with the new-look Learning Hub. We'll monitor the issues and get them fixed as soon as we can.
Take care and all the best,
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