I was tricked into upgrading to C1 23. No real improvement just pricing increases and diminishing support. No more reason to stay with C1. Adobe LR/PS cheaper even with subscription. Really disgusted!
So disappointed with CaptureOne’s treatment of their customers. No real improvements in C123. Paid for perpetual license upgrade before it came out and now after many of us made the purchase Captureone will be pulling the rug out from under us in September! Adobe subscription gives you LR and PS for $10/month. I’ve paid way more than that for C1 licenses over the years and now I really regret it. Don’t even get a pixel editor and the innovation is not impressive. C123 was a waist of an upgrade from C121. And the we get hit with their new policy of penalizing perpetual license holders. That’s it. If they want to continue on this path I’m back to Adobe.
Yeah that perpetual license as of right now is very close to being a scam for people who already own a prior perpetual license.
It's a waste of money and get hardly anything in return. And the few things you get - that's it. No more "feature" updates for you.I love that wordplay.
Updates are now upgrades and you have to pay for every bit.
You'd think you'd at least get a fully functional software, something they really test and make sure everything works perfectly fine before they release it.... but nope. Bugs. Crashes. Stuff that needs to be fixed within hours or a day at max (even openly releasing statements regarding crash issues) - yet 3 days later it's still not fixed.Just as a comparison: I use 3 lifetime licenses for special applications, they range between 60€ and 200€ - all of them combined are cheaper than a perpetual CaptureOne license for one version only with no "feature updates".
ALL of them have received frequent updates with numerous improvements with tools, usability, bugfixes, compatibility updates and so on. And the last time I had an issue due to a bug I got feedback within a few hours and they sent me a nightly build with a fix specifically for that issue so I could continue working.With Capture One they introduced a few fresh bugs with the late v22 updates (guess those were free "feature updates"?) and they were not fixed when v22 was shut down. Then they started this whole nonsense with v23 and reading all those forum entries and bug reports I'm very glad I didn't upgrade...or rather buy an additional license.
Seriously CaptureOne has a huge problem regaining the trust of their client base and them asking for an extraordinary high amount for an "upgrade"/"update" for a new version (which you're not really getting) because of their super-duper-development efforts (which you're not really getting) and quick bug-fixes (which you're not really getting).... well...
They should keep in mind that there's only one Keith R here. Everyone else is realising what's happening to this company.
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I'm sorry to hear that you are disappointed with CaptureOne's treatment of their customers. It is important for companies to listen to their customers and provide the best service possible. If you feel that your concerns are not being addressed, you may want to consider reaching out to their customer support or exploring other options that better suit your needs.
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Please indicate if this previous message is from capture one. It is not clear from the message. If it is from capture one support why not indicate that?
If it is from capture one, how you can help is be honest to your customer base as to what your future plan is with regard to perpetual license customers. That is how capture one can help here.
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FN LN nails it.
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I guess the post from FN LN is a spam written by a robot like ChatGPT or alike and we will see a link added to it shortly. Maybe I'm wrong (and no link will be added) in which case I believe the spammer at least reads through this thread :-)
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I wanted to buy this program, but when I read it, I feel bad ...
A lot of Years people pay a lot of money to improvment this program ... and when is better than make them pay even more. This is the company's reward for supporting their development... embarrassingBesides, Adobe is cheaper ... and i get 3 programs:
- Lightroom, Lightroom Classic
- Adobe PhotoshopI don't know what's going on with this company ... :(
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