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Allow Capture One to display Fuji Film Simulation in Base Characteristics instead of just Auto

Not currently planned



  • Official comment
    Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi everyone, 
    Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.

    This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.

    We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.

  • Michael Parker


    I don’t think they show auto and not the film simulation used because people change the settings you mentioned to produce in camera jpgs at the time of shooting.
    My understanding of the ‘recipes’ is to more or less eliminate post processing and to get the shot right in camera. The settings you mention are a way of getting the camera to produce a jpg as you wish within the limits of the camera’s capability.
    This is no different to using say Lightroom to process a raw file to a jpg and we don’t expect C1 to know exactly how LR handled the raw. I’m sorry but I don’t understand why C1 shouldn’t display the film sim used if you altered the other camera settings used to produce a jpg

  • Michael Parker

    I don’t think any program uses the in camera jpg settings of any camera brand’s raw files tbh.

    As for white balance shift, I did an experiment with my XT3 and a shift is actually applied in C1. It’s not exactly the same as the tint only goes red green and not the four ways as in camera.
    I see somebody has asked for a 4 way shift to be added to C1 which would be useful.
    From my experience of recipes the main influence in the overall look is the white balance and shift.
    The other effects contribute of course but these can be easily replicated or even improved upon in C1
    I fully agree with the drop down list not being long enough is a right pain.
    Maybe make an improvement request ?

  • Peter Ekström

    I use Fuji cameras and I often use different film simulations in a photo session. This means that I can have similar images with different film simulations. It is very annoying that C1 does not show the used film simulation for each frame. LR Classic shows the used film simulation in the developing module so the information should be available for C1 as well. I just don't understand why C1 is not interested in showing this information.

  • René Bedbur

    You can find the chosen Film Simulation in de Exif Data under "Maker:FilmMode" for example with ExifTool / ExifToolGUI.


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