8 C1 Live improvement ideas
Pease add following features to C1 Live:
1) video tutorials or user guides for clients/collaborators
Rationale: We shared the Live session with multiple people and none of them had any idea about C1. So we had to write our own mini user guide explaining how collaboration in Live works and what we expected from everyone, which was time consuming.
2) search/filter by metadata
Rationale: It would have been easier for the different collaborators to search and filter by keywords that we had added as metadata (e.g. names, location etc.). The business portrait session resulted in dozens of pictures - and with keywords the different individuals could have filtered by their names to rate their own portraits or group photos they were part of, for example. The workaround was a batch renaming to include names and location in the file name (e.g. xxx_Anna_openspace or xxx_Tim_lounge.
3) multi-ratings per picture and/or averaging
Rationale: We noted that different collaborators voted completely differently. E.g someone gave 5* to a photo and soon after, the next person changed it to 0*. It was quite annoying to see that people overruled each other and basically only the last voter decided all. The solution could be similar to Amazon product ratings where you see how many people gave 5*, 4* etc. It may sound silly but adding a simple "like" feature could be another option.
4) Lock or define master rating
Rationale: In our case the client who paid for the photo session was also the one with the final say on what would eventually go on the company website. It would have been nice to keep those "master" ratings for reference and to show the other ratings next to it (for info or as suggestions).
5) more granular voting rights
Rationale: In a multi person shooting it could make sense to limit voting or commenting rights, e.g. to allow each photographed person only to rate their own portraits - while still allowing them to see and comment all photos. An alternative could be the next point:
6) Create Live sessions based on smart Albums
Rationale: allows to quickly filter a large set of photos based on keywords or ratings. Could be useful to have a separate live session automatically filled with the highest ratings from another session, outtakes, certain individuals or whatever one can imagine.
7) Make the display order customizable
Rationale: by default C1 Live orders the pictures from last photographed to first. It would be good if it was possible to decide the default order in the live option menu. In our case the first to last order would have been more useful. A small but useful time saver...
8) Customize color tag meaning
Rationale: we agreed with our clients a certain meaning of the color tags. E.g.:
Green = will go on website
Red = must not be published
It would be nice if an individual legend text could be defined in the live option menu.
Overall C1 Live is really awesome, thank you for offering this feature! I love it! Please feel free to contact me any time.
Hi Oliver Schömburg, thank you for your suggestions.
I would suggest you break this post down into a few different ones, and follow the template we are providing at the top of this forum, so that the other users can also upvote and comment on each specific suggestion.
As it is now it is difficult to evaluate the interest for each of them, and impossible for me to communicate a status on those as independant ideas.0 -
Hello Mathieu,
Thank you for your feedback.
Good idea to split it and I will find some time to do it. Sorry for not having used your template. I was fully aware of it but found it too complicated to align it with the different ideas.0
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