Cant add "Guides" tool tab and save a guide as a preset like previous C1 released versions. Please help!
Can I ask for some help with finding the Guides tool tab so I can save a preset? It is impossible to add it as a tool and also impossible to save a preset and this is very important in many ways to help speed up ecomm workflows!!! Please fix this Capture One support!
Guide presets is a feature of Enterprise...
Pro did change from per application to per session storage of the guide setup around 12.1. Maybe this is what you mean?
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I'm not sure if that is what I mean regarding your reply - I just don't know why it was removed as it seems to be such a standard feature to only make available for enterprise.
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What I'm saying is: It wasn't removed. Presets for guides was never a feature (until it was added to Enterprise in 12.1). Before then the application might have remembered your guides between sessions, now it remembers session by session. That's the change.
Unless you mean Grid. That you can add as an inspector tool anywhere.
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Red lines - the guides. You could set them and save it as a preset.
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Ah, then I suppose it is only available in Enterprise... @CaptureOne - It would be very helpful and certainly not too much to ask to include this feature for non Enterprise licenses.
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Yes.. that
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Yeah, that's the Enterprise feature.
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It would be incredibly useful not just for ecomm/enterprise to be able to save guides as a preset. A workaround is to screenshot the guides and use them as an overlay. It's a clunky solution though and would be a good addition to C1 pro.
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I support this request
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me too. Guides are essential.
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I too support this request. PLEASE add the ability to save guide presets. I shoot e-commerce work and this is essential.
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