Crop Tool: Allow for setting default crop size and position on photo when opening.
What problem do you see this solving?
I shoot many photos of birds and butterflies. Often the subject is very small and in the center of the frame. If I am already zoomed in to see if the bird image is a "keeper", I have to zoom back out to grab the edges of the crop tool after I hit "C". Then I must crop down to 100% zoom by trial and error to maximize subject size in the cropped photo.
What I'm trying to achieve:
I could speed my workflow if I could set the crop tool to open by default in the center of the photo at a 100% zoom size (i.e., when I press "C", the crop area which appears on the screen is such that if I immediately apply the crop the resulting cropped photo will be at 100% zoom, and the crop will be centered on the center of the original photo.)
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
This issue occurs on multiple shots every time I import a batch of bird or butterfly photos.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
I have a decent workaround: I select all the photos in the browser. Then I set a crop of 100% in the center of the first, primary select photo and copy it into the other photos using the copy/apply arrow at the top of the crop tool.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Explanation of Labels
This is planned for a future release and you can expect to see it in Capture One at some point.
Not Planned
This isn’t something we’re considering right now, but it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad idea. We may revisit the suggestion in the future.
This is already in Capture One, or has recently been implemented.
Answered (soon to be changed)
We think there’s room in the product roadmap for something like this and you may be contacted for further input.
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