Raymond Lou

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Latest activity by Raymond Lou
  • Raymond Lou commented,

    jose saez Do we know any other company that does this (charge a price to support new camera but without new features)? Eg, LR or ON1? I mean the proposition is more reasonable if it is for a new ty...

  • Raymond Lou commented,

    ... if, as a camera buyer, I was prepared to spend a considerable amount of money on a new camera, I feel it would be churlish to then expect a third party supplier with no clear affiliation to the...

  • Raymond Lou commented,

    Jack W That's great to hear - appreciate the update and it would be great to get native support!  In the meanwhile I'll continue to use exiftool to masquerade the ARW files as A7m4....

  • Raymond Lou commented,

    I echo some of the above frustration. It is somewhat not believable that a major studio like C1 is not supporting a camera because they can't get their hands on it, but what is even more unbelievab...

  • Raymond Lou commented,

    I ordered the camera and received it about a month ago. Finally got to use it and didn't really expect to have issues given it's been more than six weeks since the camera has been out. Must confess...