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Latest activity by MikeArst
  • MikeArst commented,

    I practically begged Phase One (in a note to tech support) to support opacity changes in layers for B&W. I haven't found the program Exposure X3 better than Capture One except in one respect: black...

  • MikeArst commented,

    [quote="Samoreen" wrote: C1 would be a top notch application if the UI had been better designed. I'm very surprised by the number of people singing songs of praise about the C1 UI. The design is ...

  • MikeArst commented,

    [color=#0000BF:2lnd24qg][i]>>What we really need are content recognition systems - some sort of AI the learns what is in the image and automatically writes a descrption and allocates keywords, then...

  • MikeArst commented,

    Grant — thanks for the additional suggestions.[color=#0000BF:1ejv9t5u]<<"If you copy and apply using only the Keyword tool copy and apply you will only copy the keywords and no other settings. Yo...

  • MikeArst commented,

    What is it about Sony files that calls for having a converter dedicated to those files alone?

  • MikeArst commented,

    Well, I goofed. After watching one of the Capture One webinars I realized that the procedure I recommended above isn't correct. I must have misunderstood something that Phase One tech support wrote...

  • MikeArst commented,

    Not knowing which version you have, I don't know if you are able to work in Capture One sessions, as opposed to catalogues. I prefer the Sessions approach. Sessions are typically used for individua...

  • MikeArst commented,

    Re:An interesting point Mike.The current Hue slider bars allow for 360 steps of selection. Do you think that needs to be extended for greater granularity?(Also you mentioned secret incantations ......

  • MikeArst commented,

    My wish-list items:• A more comprehensive split-toning feature (like, with an actual color mixing "patch" that displays the precise color you've selected — those two sliders are too crude and ...

  • MikeArst commented,

    I had this same problem. I thought: either I've lost my ability to focus or else a lens element has been knocked out of alignment! Phase One tech support provided some advice. I don't know if this ...