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Latest activity by ksignorini
  • ksignorini commented,

    Furthermore, the Lightroom import keeps many adjustments from Lightroom like cropping, straightening, exposure, etc.Rebuilding from scratch will cause you to have to redo adjustments on every image.

  • ksignorini created a post,

    Edit Primary vs. Edit Selected variants toggle button?

    What does the Edit Primary Variant / Edit Selected Variants toggle button do? (The one that looks like a stack of images in the top left toolbar.)I can't seem to make it have any effect on anythin...

  • ksignorini commented,

    My favourite thing about CO is the unbelievably great tech support! I've sent in around 10 bug reports, feature requests, and questions. I've received answers, full conversations, requests to mak...

  • ksignorini created a post,

    See dates of images?

    Is there any way to have the image dates shown on the Browser view? I have a folder full of images from different dates and I would like to see what dates so I can sort them, tag them, etc. They'...

  • ksignorini commented,

    Turns out it's not logged. The support person who responded said he would forward it to "software" for their information. So far all my interactions with tech support have been world class, but t...

  • ksignorini commented,

    It seems like this only works if I do the following:1. Keyword image #1.2. Select image #1 and click the Copy Adjustments button (up arrow on top right icons or Copy button on Adjustment Clipboar...

  • ksignorini created a post,

    Spot Remover - how to delete one of the removed spots

    I've used the spot removal tool a few times on an image. One of the spots I want to put back--that is, I want to remove the remover.How do I do that?Thanks!

  • ksignorini created a post,

    Can't apply keyword to more than one image at a time?

    Is anyone having the problem that if you select a number of images and type a new keyword into the keywords field (or hit + and add it individually) it only gets applied to the first image in the s...

  • ksignorini commented,

    I put it in as a support ticket and PhaseOne replied very quickly. They can reproduce this in their lab and will fix it as part of a coming service release.Go PhaseOne!

  • ksignorini created a post,

    Hide Folders Hierarchy - not working