Nicholas Jones

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  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    Yes, it is exactly this build. I have installed the same thing on two machines, and it works on Mojave, but not on Big Sur.

  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    By the way, the tools work fine on Mojave. On Big Sur (11.6.3), the crop tool won't activate at all from the Tool Bar in Viewer; some other tools (grab, straighten) can be selected with the keyboar...

  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    And further to that, it actually seems that none of the tools in the Cursor Bar will activate in the session I have just opened. The bar wasn't there at all to begin with, but then appears when I o...

  • Nicholas Jones created a post,

    Crop tool in Cursor tools in 15.2 (22.2)

    It has already been noted that the Cursor Tools disappear sometimes (they did on first upgrading, but now they do seem to be there on reopening a session?!), but there seems to be another bug: it d...

  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    I had a similar (though not identical) problem running on Mojave. You’ve probably tried this, but I share it in case: a complete machine restart somehow solved the problem so at least it will writ...

  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    Thanks, Nicolas. Since writing that, I rebooted the whole computer instead of just C1, and that seems to have fixed it. I am getting sensible output now from the new dialog. Still don't like it as ...

  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    Since for me 14.3 crashes on exporting almost always, I have no option anyway but to go back to 14.2. But it worries me, as so many say above, that C1 is going for the 'easy to learn and doesn't ma...

  • Nicholas Jones created a post,

    14.3 keeps crashing when Exporting

    Just upgraded to 21.3  ( running on 10.14.6 on a Mac Mini). Managed to get one pic to export OK, but others won't individually, let alone in batches. Sometimes get error message (not very...

  • Nicholas Jones commented,

    There is a post dated April 9 which says that the problem of tokens showing up as white bars will be solved very shortly. How is the fix going? Whilst is is possible still to do things by clicking ...