Peter Brockhausen

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  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    And there was at least one photo magazine, which offered CO 7 express for free... My entrance into Capture One as well...--Peter

  • Peter Brockhausen created a post,

    Switching between Browser and Viewer

    A setup with two monitors is one way...In general, one has to accept, that the "User Interface" in Capture One is neither like Aperture nor like Lightroom. Some things are better solved, some are w...

  • Peter Brockhausen created a post,

    Syncing folders

    Your aren't missing anything. The catalog just doesn't work like you expect it to work.You must add the new subfolder within CO first.

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    That will be the automatic lens correction. --peter

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    You have to buy Capture One Pro, the full version. The fuji version only supports fuji.But, first have a look, if your Leica camera and your lenses are supported at all.

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    For distributing copies of 4TB of pictures, buy normal external hard drives. SSDs would be quite expensive, but are an option too. And then, handover the disks and the problem. That's called risk t...

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    Close photos.Right click on the library file, show contents.Then, "move" (with the mouse e.g.) the "masters" folder somewhere outside of the library.Then, import with C1.When finished, move the mas...

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    If you manage the images within Apple Fotos, i.e. no referenced files, you can do the following.In the finder, select "show package contents" (i.e. right click on the Fotos library; I have a german...

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    [quote="fotojenic777" wrote: I use an old MBA as a testbed and have just updated it to High Sierra and 10.2. Although quite slow due to only 4GB memory and an old processor it does work with no ...

  • Peter Brockhausen commented,

    You have two choices. Stick to Aperture or change your way of working. But, it's dump to expect, that other company's software will work exactly like your own prefered one.