Ron Hutnik

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Latest activity by Ron Hutnik
  • Ron Hutnik created a post,

    How do I reset "All Imags?"

    I have this folder structure as I did in LR. One sad thing with C1 is I can't enable or disable showing all photos with sub-directories as I can in LR.So ok, "All images" or the one it auto adds o...

  • Ron Hutnik created a post,

    Pref-> Exposure values for 5DIV

    Hi all,We have the "Exposure Warning" and "Levels Tool".We knwo the DR of the 5DIV rather well from DxoMarks, so how can we use those numbers and setup this dialog box to suit us and our specific c...

  • Ron Hutnik created a post,

    Focus mask values. Method to compute best entries?

    Hi all,I have and a 5DIV (50mp, no AA) and now 5DIV (30mp, AA). So for this discussion would like to walk away for us and later readers that may find this to use the parameters of the camera they ...

  • Ron Hutnik commented,

    Yes, I brought this to Phase One during RS3 pre-release testing I also brought this up during 10.1I asked to have R&D talk to me directly as I have special access to the OS. They closed the ticket...

  • Ron Hutnik commented,

    I can not use 9.01 or 9.02 as every time I start an import of my 5DsR raws.. it access violates (crashes).

  • Ron Hutnik commented,

    30bit color support is more than that.OS support has to be there.Video card support has to be there.Video card device driver support has to be there and enabled (not done on Nvidia Non-Quadro GPU's...

  • Ron Hutnik commented,

    AV is short for Access Violation.. Means BAD CODE, Crash is non-programmer speak.

  • Ron Hutnik commented,

    FYI:, AV's on Windows 10, just like version 9.01.13.