What data is imported when converting a Media Pro / Media Pro SE catalog to a Capture One catalog?
Find a list of what is supported for .mpcatalog files made by Media Pro or Media Pro SE.
NOTE: It is also possible to import legacy .ivc libraries. However, as those are not fully supported, some data might be missing or represented incorrectly upon conversion.
- A Media Pro catalog's Catalog Sets hierarchy is converted into Capture One Albums and Groups.
- A Set without sub-Sets will be a Capture One Album.
- If a Set has any sub-Sets, it will be a Capture One Group.
- If a Set has sub-Sets and media items assigned to it, a generic sub-Album in the Group is created to arrange those media items in it.
- Star Rating
- Color Label (MP Brown, Cyan, Grey are unsupported/unlabelled in Capture One)
- Applied Keywords (flat, not hierarchical)
- IPTC Contact: Creator
- IPTC Content: Headline, Caption, Category, Supplemental Categories, Keywords, IPTC Subject Code, Description Writer
- IPTC Image: Intellectual Genre, IPTC Scene Code, Location, City, State/Province, Country, ISO Country Code
- IPTC Status: Title, Job Identifier, Instructions, Provider (Credit Line), Source, Copyright, Rights Usage Terms
NOTE: Consider that it is not possible to import Media Pro catalog if you run macOS Catalina.
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