A Session folder consists of four sub-folders displayed in the Library’s Session Folders as a fixed collection of Capture, Selects, Output, and Trash folders. These folders and their contents are indexed in the Session database allowing quick loading of their own individual browser session as well as access to the search and organization capabilities of Smart Albums.
When you add folders using the Next Capture Location tool, however, those folders are neither displayed in the fixed Session Folders collection nor indexed automatically. Therefore navigating between the folders is limited to the Next Capture Location tool itself and the System Folders browser. While this is fine for a typical Session with a few additional folders, more complex Sessions will benefit from each new folder being designated as a Session Favorite.
There is no limit to the number of Favorite folders. Every folder assigned as a Favorite is not only indexed in the Session database with all of the attendant benefits but is also conveniently displayed as a flat-list in the Session Favorites collection dialog.
<< Creating capture folders from the Finder or File Explorer | Creating folders as Favorites >>