The Backup Queue feature ensures that the backup process is handled independently from the capture process. This means that you can always continue to capture new images regardless of how far the backup process is. The backup queue manager will also let you stop and resume the backup procedure at any point, so you can even let the backup process continue after you have relaunched Capture One Enterprise at a later point in time. This is possible because Capture One Enterprise keeps a list over the progress of the backup queue.
The Backup Queue progress bar shows how many captured images have been added in total to the queue and how many of these that have been backed-up so far. As an example, the numbers 80/100 indicate that 80 out of 100 images have already been backed-up and that 20 still needs to be done. The queue is completed when both numbers are equal, like 100/100.
• You can pause the backup queue by clicking on Stop. Note that the queue is not cleared by doing this, the process is merely halted.
• You can start and resume the backup queue by clicking on Start.
• If you try to close Capture One Enterprise without having finished the backup yet, you will get a warning. It is advised to click Stop first, then close Enterprise.
• Capture One Enterprise will save the status of the backup queue to a file. This means that even after relaunching the software at a later date, you will still be able to confirm whether all the image files were indeed backed-up (this is the case when both numbers in the queue are equal, like 100/100).
• If you want to remove the backup queue completely, click on the action icon in the top-right corner and choose Clear Queue from the drop-down menu. This is only recommended when the backup queue is completed.