Although the ICC profile clearly states that the white point for the profile connection space is D50, the native white point of the actual color space, sometimes referred to as media white, is often different. For example, standard working spaces sRGB and Adobe RGB are both specified to a media white of D65. Some validation applications adopt the standards for the color space directly, without using an ICC profile for the definition, based on the media white point. When an ICC profile is used, color engines must convert between white points, which is known a chromatic adaption. Two commonly used methods, known as the von Kries and the Bradford transforms, can be employed to convert between these white points. However, some more generalized applications describe Lab coordinates in the PCS, which assumes D50 as the light source and uses simple XYZ-scaling between that at D65, which can result in errors exceeding 8 delta E ab. Capture One supports several methods when converting between white points.
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