This color space is an important space for several reasons. Not only is it the standard for the web, but images that do not have an embedded color profile are also assumed to be in sRGB, many monitors approximate the space or adopt modes that do. Besides a relatively small gamut, limitations with this profile include an increasing number of profile versions that claim to adhere to the standards but deviate in some way. Some of these, for example, include a model for flare, which should be avoided. The profile shipped with Capture One does not include a model for flare. Even the ICC profile differs from the original standard in not having a neutral white and it does not adhere strictly to the media-white of D65. This has led to some third-party color engines, notably ACE to detect errant profiles and "hot-fix" them, neutralizing the white point. The many differences in these profiles may affect comparisons in Capture One with analysis software, not only in those that interpret images directly (without the ICC profile - such as ISA GoldenThread) but also those that silently fix them.
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