Sessions are favored for a daily on-set workflow with a direct interface to the computer’s file system. Find out how to create a Session and start importing images.
An Overview of Sessions
Before starting work on your images, find out how Sessions can be used in your workflow, and how they differ from using a Catalog.
Importing Images into a Session
Find out how to import images from your card reader, connected camera, flash disk or portable external drive.
Importing images into a Session
Importing images from external media into a Session
Adding a description and copyright information on import
Organizing Images in Sessions
Discover how to organize images when using Sessions, create templates, and transfer Sessions between disks.
Working with multiple Sessions
Opening a moved Session for the first time
Working with Networks
Whether you are an individual with one or two computers or you are a part of an organization or group, Capture One is network compatible and capable of handling access from multiple computers.
Accessing images stored on a network drive
Upgrading Sessions
Sessions produced by earlier versions must be upgraded if they are to take advantage of the latest version of Capture One.
In various folders I have thousands of images that I have applied keywords and ratings to in a Session.
How do I import only specific images from a Session to a Catalog, for example, only those with a Star Rating, so that the Catalog only has the images with a Star Rating, not all the images in that folder.
If you import the cosessiondb file you end up with all the images. If you choose Import Images, in the dialog box you can check or uncheck the images, but the Advanced Search does not recognise any of the ratings I have applied in the Session.
While working in a Session, if I find an image that I want to move to a different folder, how can I do that so that it retains all the metadata, keywords, rating and and adjustments made?
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