Capture One CH has the ability to lock specific tools so that they cannot be altered by accident during a busy shoot by changing the camera settings or file naming, for example. It is also possible to assign a pin code to the locking system (see the section below) so that the administrator or photographer in charge can prevent assistants from unlocking the tools and change important capture properties.
The following tools can be locked:
Capture tools
- Camera + Camera Settings (except the Live View and Capture buttons)
- Camera Focus
- Next Capture Adjustments
- Next Capture Keywords
- Next Capture Location
- Next Capture Metadata
- Next Capture Naming
Workflow tool
- Guides
Output tools
- Process Recipe
- Process Recipes
- Output location
- Output Naming
It is possible to lock/unlock a single tool locally or to lock/unlock multiple tools at once with the Manage Locks dialog box.
Locking a single tool
Click on its Action menu in the top-right corner and select Lock Tool.
A padlock icon will now be displayed next to the tool’s name to indicate that is locked.
If a pin code is set to control the locking/unlocking of the tools, you will be prompted to enter that before you can lock the tool.
Note that you can still use the Live View and Capture buttons in the Camera tool when it is locked to ensure that an assistant can still capture images even if he/she is not allowed to change the exposure settings, for example. Also, be aware that any keyboard shortcuts associated with the functionality of a locked tool will be disabled.
Unlocking a single tool
Find the tool that you want to unlock, click on its Action menu in the top-right corner and select Unlock Tool.
The padlock icon will now be removed to indicate that is no longer locked.
If a pin code is set to control the locking/unlocking of the tools, you will be prompted to enter that before you can unlock the tool.
Locking and unlocking multiple tools at once
If you need to lock or unlock multiple tools at once, go to the menu and select Window -> Manage Locks.
If a pin code is set to control the locking/unlocking of the tools, you will be prompted to enter that before you can access the Manage Locks dialog box.
Once the Manage Locks dialog box is open, you can checkmark all the tools that you want to lock or unlock them by removing a check-mark. Note that is easy to select or deselect all the tools in the Capture or Output group by clicking on the group name.
Once you have locked or unlocked the desired tools, click on OK.
Note how the padlock icon will be displayed on the different tools to indicate whether they are locked.
Create a PIN code
It is possible to assign a Pin code to the locking system. This will allow the administrator or photographer in charge to prevent assistants from unlocking the tools and changing the capture properties.
To add a pin code, go to the menu and select Window -> Set and change PIN…
Enter the same four-digit pin code twice and click on Set PIN.
Enter a Pin code
If a Pin code is set, you will be prompted to enter it each time you try to lock or unlock a single tool and each time you want to access the Manage Locks dialog box.
Change PIN code
Go to the menu and select Window -> Set and change PIN…
Enter the current Pin code in the Old PIN field and the enter new four-digit pin code twice below, then click on Change PIN.
<< Inverting negative or positive film | Barcode scanner tool in Capture One CH >>
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