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What are the options in the After Import tool?



  • g g

    Why the option "Erase image after copying" is sometimes not enabled ?

  • Maryna Sopilniak


    Thank you for the comment.

    I have forwarded your request to the Support Team. They will get back to you soon.

  • Jacques Weyers



    Im having the same issue. Wont let me select Erase images after importing. Nikon D850

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Jasques, 

    Thank you for sharing the issue you faced. 

    I have forwarded your request to the Support Team. They will get back to you soon.



  • Andreas Pohl

    It would be great to be able to Erase Images After Copying even from a folder in Finder/Explorer (not just from cards).

    A lot of my imports are done from a folder (eg. Desktop).

    But C1 Importer has no option to automatically erase those files afterwards...

    Being able to run a custom post script would be perfect, so a user can configure whatever is necessary.

  • eric susch

    It's nice that these people from a year ago got help from tech support but can we know the answer too?  Erase Images after Copying seems to be grayed out at all times.  Tried clicking on everything else in the Import Images dialog and there doesn't seem to be any way to turn it on.

    Without a way to move or delete the files after copying you have to remember to go back and delete the duplicates.

    I'm running Capture One 22 Pro on Windows 10 Pro

  • g g

    Use case : you take photos with your smartphone. To import them in C1 you

    - upload it to your Dropbox from your phone

    - go to your computer

    - import in C1 from Dropbox.

    If you do it several times, you ends with a dropbox full of images, with some imported, some not. As C1 does not erase them, you don't know which one has been imported and you have to manually clean up your Dropbox (and damn C1 that make lose your time)

  • Mike Underwood

    Is there a way to force "Erase Images After Copying" to remain selected by default all the time? I keep forgetting to check the option and am constantly having to cull duplicate images.

    I know it used to be possible in previous versions.

  • Steffen Burger

    the option "Erase image after copying" is not enabled (SONY cfEXPRESS Card). Why is that?


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