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HDR merging overview



  • Toni

    In Capture One 22 Express Fujifilm (build15.0.0.94), RAF files cannot be merged with HDR merge

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Toni, 

    Thanks for your comment. 

    HDR merging feature is not available in Capture One Express.  

  • Dean Creedy

    I am not using Express but the paid version but cannot see my RAF files converted to DNG after HDR conversion?

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Dean, 

    Thanks for your comment.

    When the merging is done, the HDR DNG should appear next to the input images. 


  • uwe stolten


    I am using HDR SW for a whole decade. External editors. Happy that this can be done 

    with one go in C1 now , I updated to 2022. But my version of C1 HDR Merger aperently does not merge any images. What I see is that always the image is converted to a DNG format wich was marked with the thick wihte frame in  the browser from  the 3 candidates with the diferent EV s. I f remark another frame and repeat Merge to HDR  I get the Image wich was thickmarked. i.e I can get three diffrent results.

    Moreover when it comes to merge images with diferent moving subjects from frame to frame  e.g cars or leaves on a tree twig whirled around by strong windstream , the picture wich is converted to DNG , does not show   traces of any movement of the subjects in  diferent positions. They remain still and single as exactly as  in the frame wich was marked .This even with Autoalignement disabled.

    With the other HDR merger SW  ( 2 Brands)  Iam using this Items in movement  will be shown even with Ghost removel (a feature missing in  C1 HDR) enabled, in a stage of  multiexposure. 

    Then there is this Autoadjust feature wich realy does not adjust something as the image converted to DNG is always too  much blown out.i.e over or under rexposed .

    The parameter for taking the fotos are  acording to C1  suggestions : 

    3  images with a diferention 0f +- 2 EV each.

    I would be very much  obliged if You can help me by  explaining  how the Merger of this C1 HDR feature is to be understand , thus enabeling me use this C1  SW for my HDR Merger works in future.



  • Paul Cassel

    This feature does not work for me. All goes well initially and I see the orange bar showing the HDR merge process. After a while, the orange bar reaches its end, and disappears. Nothing happens. There is no merged file and no notice in the upper right corner. I do have this notification enabled. 

    Edit: I now found the merged file. I expected it to be put automatically in the open catalog. To me this is not intuitive. It is now in the folder where the source files were but I cannot pull it into the program. 

    I do not understand the whole 'catalog' business and cannot seem to get it to work for me in any reliable sense. I see it as the sort of time waste that makes me dislike the Apple system so much. I will give this program some more time but I'm quite disgusted already. 

  • Ritesh Tripathy

    It still doesn't work reliably. As pointed out by others, the merge process completes with no notification and there's no merged HDR file to be found anywhere. Sometimes, it works, but the merged DNG is not added to the current catalog automatically. You have to go to "All Images" to find it. This is, quite frankly, terrible workflow (if and when it actually works).

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Ritesh, 

    Thank you for your comment.

    In order to receive the notification when HDR Merge is Completed, you need to enable notifications in advance in both Capture One Preferences and System Preferences.  

    When the merging is done, the HDR DNG will appear next to the input images. 

  • uwe stolten


     c1 is still me owing an explanaiton regarding my questions concerning the HDR Tool  I made 8 days ago. 

    I am Waiting.

    Besides this  I came became aware that import export processes became very slow.

    C1 company, I will wait not longer then 48 hours that you get the load of bugs fixed. 

    If not ,im going back to Version 21 and this was the last time I ever bought an Up Date 

    pre paid. I participated as beta tester and reported shortcomings. This release 15 is seems to be even worse then the Beta Version . 

    HDR and Stitching tool far away from  to be used for prof. purpose..  But I paid for a Version Capture One Pro !

    The version 15 is not usable for me . Gentleman C1 are you aware that you are not loosing just Clients. You should be aware that there  are 2 things you cant recover : Time and Reputation.!!!





  • Matt Larson

    Is it possible to queue multiple image groups for HDR processing? Currently merging one group and having to wait for it to complete before another can begin is incredibly cumbersome if you have a high volume of bracketed shots. Even if they aren't processing simultaneously we should at least be able to add it into a processing queue. 

  • Maryna Sopilniak

    Hi Matt, 

    Thank you for your feedback on Capture One - we appreciate the time you’ve taken to contribute towards the development of the software.

    It’s currently not possible to add multiple HDR sequences into a batch.

    But  I have forwarded your suggestions to our Product Management team as something to consider in a future release.

    Hopefully, your feedback contributes towards a future version of Capture One.

  • uwe stolten

    Hi Maryna, 

    glad to see you are still activ. 

    I am still awaiting a comment on behalf of my queston concerning the way C1 merge images.

    Stil with the same issue with my version of The HDR Merger app. Does not seem to merge

    images. As I explaint in my previous comment 4 days ago. Pls b so kind and explain.

    Thank you very much in advance

  • william Schreiner

    When I use this on DNG images, it goes through the whole process, shows the progress bar, even gives me the notification that it is done. 

    Only problem..... there is no merged HDR image in my catalogue. Anywhere. Not next to the original images where I am supposed to be able to find it, and there is no increase in the number of images after the "all images" album for the catalogue. 

    What am I doing wrong? Following the instructions exactly. No result.   (capture one 22, Macbook Pro) 

    Thank you for your help. 

  • Paul Cassel


    On a PC, the program does not add the merged file to the catalog but instead dumps it back in the folder that contains the source files. Poor design, that IMO. 

  • Vladimir Novotny

    Hello, everyone,
    I have a few observations about the HDR feature in Capture One.

    Firstly, it's great that this and the Panorama feature have been added to C1.

    A few observations on my part and within the use of my practice and are directed to C1 developers as well.

    I am a Phase One User.

    The most common use of HDR for me is when shooting architecture in combination with a Cambo WRS technical camera.

    1. It is not possible to apply the single pixels feature after HDR has been created. This feature is very important when using redefined blacks for long exposures.

    2. It does not support the Keystone function after HDR creation.

    3. Most important comment: when shooting architecture I need to blend in high light exposures (filaments of light bulbs) that are several EV (5-8?) When calculating HDR then the algorithm illogically works with deep shadows that it pulls out of the high light exposure image and creates unrealistic artifacts. The correct way to do it would be to work only with the drawing in white and black, according to the images created for it. This is the only way the correct quality of noise in the image can be maintained. Alternatively, I miss the blending settings of the images. Here is a link of sample images:


  • Joe Conrad

    Is HDR Merge scriptable in Apple Scripts? I would like to script the HDR merge of 5 photos. I am looking in the dictionary and see an Adjust HDR property but that is it...

  • DeWitt Eaton

    The HDR dng files I processed to jpeg all export completely blown out despite appearing properly finished in the app!  Does anybody know what the hell is going on?  If I export a NEF to jpeg, it exports properly.  Thanks.

  • Foxhall

    Just upgraded to 2022 from 2021, mostly for the HDR merge feature. I just shot some interior test shots to get the workflow down and I have to day I am very disappointed. The highlights in windows and around interior lights are are showing severe artifacts. I shot 3 RAW files with 2 stop differences on a Canon R. I paid $200 for this upgrade and it's completely useless for interior photography. 


    What is the deal and when will this HUGE issue be resolved? Otherwise I'll be refunding this purchase until Capture One sorts this out.  

  • Damian Rose

    I can't believe they've released another version and haven't made any progress on fixing the HDR tool, but still increase the price lol 

  • Pascal C

    Need HDR working in batch, automatically grouping bracketed photos.and process with HDR (identify result with a tag).
    It is usual to have around 300 pix tooken in bracketing for a real estate photo purpose.

  • Albrecht Voss

    I have had the same problem since the introduction of HDR. The pictures are close to unusable, although I capture the brackets on a tripod and base ISO and don't merge more than 3 exposures (0,-2,+2). This leaves me very disappointed, as HDR hast been of the biggest updates within years for C1 and now I can't use it. For me as a fulltime architectural photographer this is a very important topic and I can't see why it is not on C1 priority list. I have multiple shots on every shoot, where I have to merge HDR-Panos and it just does not working reliable. Very disappointing!


  • Richard Williamson

    I have been using HDR merge since you introduced it, and it works better than any of the others I have used in the passed that is automatic. I have said this before I am a Real estate photographer and shoot 600-1000 shots per house camera does 5 bracket shots with 2 stops in between which is a fail safe for highs and lows and their is no thinking on sight aim focus shoot. problem is when I get back to the office Capture one FAILS miserably in the fact that it is missing two things that work together. #1 it needs to combine all photos taken of a scene within a second of each other into groups. This would be very helpful in may genres Sports or wildlife especially where you use the spray and pray method it gets the photos together so you can chose the best quickly. Or in HDR so you can remove over and under exposed quickly. And one more feature that works on top of that one would be to auto combine the HDR's in each of those groups saving a good 2-3 hours of sitting behind the computer per job manually selecting the photos. Please add this you have the best HDR compiler make it useable for pros I was so hoping for this in this update. All that has to be done is to look at time stamps to find the groups of photos easy peasy. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!! DID I SAY PLEASE


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