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On how many computers are we allowed to run C1 at the same time?



  • Official comment
    Jack W

    You can only use Capture One on one device at a time, as outlined in the license agreement. The article provided incorrect information and has now been updated.

  • Brian Jordan

    Things that make you go hmmmmm......

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    hhhmmmm, Brian :-)

    Hi Jack W,

    I would be very keen to hear that the license terms are wrong or outdated and that we indeed can run C1 on two computers at the same time, as written in the article.



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Hi Jack W,

    Is there anything you can tell us please?


  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    As a reply to the official statement:

    So, just to clarify, the Capture One company is not considering to change the license policy in that regard to allow a single user to work with two machines at the same time for the mentioned use cases (or similar ones which I did not list here) unless this one user buys or subscribes to a multi-user license.

    So, effectively, it is not a "single user license" but a single-running-instance license.

    That is very disappointing, it does not make sense for your company in my opinion as I cannot imagine that you earn any additional buck (or loose if you allowed it) since no single user would probably buy a multi-user license for these use cases, it is not a customer-centric decision and the company will loose supporters especially those who you put off with other recent policy changes. At least one supporter for sure. Not a smart decision, imo, not at all, if more think like I do, which I firmly believe.

    But thanks for the update Jack.


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