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Add IPTC Decription/Title editing in CO Mobile




  • Official comment
    Evi K
    Product Manager

    Currently star rating and color tagging can be transferred to Capture One Pro on desktop either if you export your images as EIPs and import them to Capture One Pro or use cloud transfer . IPTC Title and Description are not available yet but you can batch rename your photos if you need to.

  • Evi K
    Product Manager

    Hello Joachim Schweidler and apologies for the late response. Can you please elaborate on what you are trying to achieve and what is your current alternative? Also a few words about your workflow and photography genre would help a lot.

  • Joachim Schweidler

    Hello Evi,

    I just try to speed up my workflow. I just want to use CO mobile for ALL rating/tagging tasks. At the moment I use Mobile for star/color rating and then after transfering to CO Desktop I once again have to touch the photo for adding keywords/title/description. 

    It would help a lot to do this just on ONE place (in Mobile).

    As I mostly do landscape photography it would also be very helpful to fill the IPTC city/country/state fields according to the gps data.


    Tanks a lot for your good work on mobile.





  • Evi K
    Product Manager

    Hello Joachim Schweidler, thanks so much for the extra input. It is very helpful :) Two last questions for you: how would be the ideal way for you to fill in the IPTC metadata in mobile, assuming it was available and what is the steps that you complete on your desktop?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Ron Schemen

    I would like to support this request and add my 2 cents to it.

    I would also like to be able to add IPTC meta data in CO Mobile instead of my current workflow which involves Shuttersnitch on iPad and/or Photomechanic on desktop.
    Currently, I have 2 workflows :
    - I do the culling and quick editing in CO mobile and transfer to CO desktop via cloud or EIP export and add IPTC there using controlled vocabulary for keywords
    - Culling and adding IPTC in Shuttersnitch and transfer the raw files and the sidecar files to CO desktop for editing

    It would already be a quick win, if CO mobile would also import the sidecar files together with the raw files and keep them together so the IPTC info is bundled with the photo’s when transferred via cloud or EIP export..
    Being able to add or edit the IPTC data in CO mobile can be added after that. Being able to edit keywords via a structured keyword list would be a great help.

  • Joachim Schweidler

    Hello Evi,


    ideal would be to have additional fields for title/description below the stars or at least a button to open these additional metadatafiles for editing in a new window.

    And if possible just a button for filling in city/country/etc. from gps data.



  • Evi K
    Product Manager

    Thank you both Ron Schemen and Joachim Schweidler. Noted, will let you know when we have an update on this


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