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No option to "Show Package content" when control clicking Database file



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    You can't "show package contents" on the database. It is within the package.

    In Finder, you should see your catalog, something like this.


    The highlighted item is the package. If I right click that I can choose to "show package contents" and I get to see this.


    The item that's highlighted in the second screenshot is the actual database. It isn't a package: it is inside the package in the first screen shot, along with the various folder (Adjustments, Cache and Originals) plus some catalog backups generated by Capture One when my catalog was upgraded from a previous version.

    Hope that clarifies!


  • Alexander Aberin

    Hi Ian,

    Thanks a lot for the quick response.
    It doesn't seem that I have an actually cocatalog file anywhere.
    I only have a cocatalogdb and the folders.

    Could it be that the structure is scewed because I started on a Windows 10 and then migrated to Mac?

    I have a folder on my external SSD called "Capture One Catalog" and within that one is the cocatalogdb file. I do not have a cocatalog file/package


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Well you appear to be looking at the contents of the package already!


  • Alexander Aberin

    Yes, also my thought, but I do not have an actual cocatalog file/package
    I have a folder/directory containing the folders/files in the screenshot.
    Any way to revoke "back" to an actual cocatalog file/package?

    Sidenote. Where is jpg previews stores?
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the file management, but I have approx. 60K images, where maybe 10k of them are Raws so I guess they are the ones resulting in previews. Actually just now have set appropriate 4K previes and running regenerate previews on all. But is there a preview stored for jpgs?
    I cannot see them in the folder structure, but if I transfer my Capture One folder containing db and previews to local Laptop I can still see the old jps, but they do not appear on a file level. Can see in preview folder back to 2020 when I started with RAWs also, but cannot locate jpg previews...

    Hope it make sense :)

    But again am more curious about the misalignment about not having a cocatalog package. 


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    So are we looking at the root directory of your drive here? If not, what is in the level above this?


  • Alexander Aberin

    Yes that is the root directory of my drive.


  • Alexander Aberin

    Is there any way to reverse it to a cocatalog file/package?

    Seems a bit odd that it presents it self like contents of the package on my system :)
    Could it have something to do with the fact that I started using CO and created the catalog on a Windows machine some years back maybe?
    But I have since upgraded both the CO version in the meantime and to MacOS(two time as also upgraded to another Mac)

    I guess it most likely is the same, but an actual cocatalog file/package just seem a bit cleaner.


  • Alexander Aberin

    Hi Ian - and/or others,

    Thinking about using the Single days savings announced today to buy a new Perpetual Capture One license, to get official support of MacOS Sonoma.

    But since my current installation seems to be a bit different than normal where I do not have cocatalog package how should I make such and upgrade of my catalog+software?

    When I google and see here in the forum the suggested way is to choose the cocatalog package file and perform upgrade, but as mentioned in above comment I do not have such a file, but instead my system seems to show the actual content in a file level instead of a single package.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

  • Jack W

    Alexander Aberin If you are seeing a .cocatalogdb file then you have already opened the contents of the catalog in Finder. JPEG previews are contained in Cache > Previews 

    Have you copied or moved the catalog over from a Windows machine? Because on Windows the default folder structure and presentation is how you have shown it in your screenshots.

    I would exercise caution with what you are doing. One wrong move and you will have a whole host of offline images and copies of catalog databases that you can't keep track of - which will then result in a very complicated support case, where we can't do much to help.

  • Alexander Aberin

    Hi Jack W

    Yes, I've copied/moved from a Windows PC to Mac a couple of years ago.
    So maybe that is why I see it on file level instead of a cocatalog package file.

    If I purchase new version of Capture One, is there any way to change that to the correct Mac way with a cocatalog package file instead?

    And also in the same proces do upgrade from my current v22 to the new one?


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Are you able to open the catalog as it is? 

    If so, one option would be to export the whole of the contents of it to a new catalog.

    See the guidance here. 

    You could create the catalog on your internal SSD as you originally suggested you wanted to do. Referenced originals would continue as referenced in their current location. (Note that if you check the option to include referenced originals, that would copy them all to be inside the catalog package on the internal SSD which is not what you want. Once you were sure that the new catalog was satisfactory, you could delete the old one.


    1. make sure you have a system backup (Time Machine or similar) before you do this so that you can put things back where they were if something goes wrong.
    2. Jack W - can you confirm that my suggestion is a sound one?


  • Alexander Aberin

    Thanks Ian,

    Sounds like a good idea. 
    I will try that - maybe after Jack hopefully can confirm your suggestion.

    And yes, I am running Timemachine to a NAS.
    Running the catalog on internal Mac SSD, as it seems to be faster that way - used to run is of an external SSD where all my photos are stored. 
    And also manually backing all photos to another NAS.
    So hoping I'm ok secure :)

    Thanks a lot to both of you.

  • Jack W

    Sounds like a good suggestion Ian Wilson

    Alexander Aberin Just make sure you backup and have a state you can revert to if something goes awry.

  • Alexander Aberin


    Thought I would make and update after I tried the suggestion mentioned.

    Old catalog had 65026 images in the catalog and size of Database file is 429,4MB
    After exporting I have 63054 images in the catalog, so something seems to be missing. Initial size of Database file was 332,7MB but after previews was created DB size is now 392,8MB, so again something might be missing :)

    On the one hand it has accomplished to create a Catalog package but something seems to be missing in this export. All folders/albums etc. was marked in the old catalog when exporting, CO did notify that some referenced jpgs and raws was missing, so I understand the discrepancy in images and also maybe the difference in DB size.
    Haven't checked entire catalog, so I do not know what is missing or not but most likely something isn't there due to the difference in images count and DB size.

    So to be on the safe side maybe it is better to stick with the old "Windows" folder structure instead of the "Mac" package way...


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    One reason for the difference in database size might be the size of the preview files. I think they have changed the way they are produced in the latest version so that might impact the catalog size. 

    I think if you are on a Mac it is best to go with the flow and have your catalog handled the Mac way. 

    With a bit of time you may be able to track down the missing files - unfortunately, there is no way to have Capture One report to you which files are missing other than spotting the ones with the ? shown against them.


  • Alexander Aberin

    Thank you both for your input.
    I finally decided to take your advise Ian and going forward with the Mac way with package.

    As you mention maybe I vill be able to se down the line if something is missing or not.

    Also just installed latest Capture One version, upgraded my catalog and deleted old Capture One Pro 22 installation. Hoping for the best down the line :)

    Now I only need to upgrade my Mac to Sonoma, and hopefully the catalog and CO app is still working afterwards. And off course then start taking some pictures again.



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