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Please do not reset my tools when I restart capture one !



  • Abbott Schindler

    Have you tried saving your workspace configuration as a Custom Workspace? With a Custom Workspace, C1 will reset to default only when you upgrade to a new version (I still don't understand why they do that), and then you switch to your Custom Workspace and it'll stay with that until you upgrade to another new version.

  • Robert Gyori

    Abbott, this has not been my experience. I recently upgraded to C1 on my Mac running OS 11.7.10 and have the same problem as gg. I have my workspace(s) saved to Custom Workspace but nonetheless have to manually reselect them after any restart. 

  • g g

    Abbott Schindler

    Have you tried saving your workspace configuration as a Custom Workspace?

    It's when I RESTART capture one (close it, open it), not when I upgrade it.


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