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Tether and Re-Tether



  • Jem Rigby

    Is there away to disable the Re-Tehter function or turn it on or off as needed as I recently found that it can interfere with the work flow. During an intense time limited shoot I was unable to see captures through tethering due to Capture trying to upload images from card so was not recording to card or tethering. This led to me trying to trouble shoot this problem when I really didn't have the time. A great idea but can be problematic!

    It also did not load up all the images from the card which I then had to  manually import the missing images  anyway.

    Using a Canon R5

  • Okular

    Montie Wren
    You created your post in the subforum for C1 22, but the ReTether functionality was introduced with v16.3, so the question would fit in subforum Capture One Pro (v16.3). And you should then make an improvement request:

    Jem Rigby
    Yes, you can disable ReTether in the preferences on the Capture tab. There is also a recommendation for how many photos to shoot on ReTether:
    If you feel ReTether isn't working properly you maybe should file a bug report.


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