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New computer Paths to pictures have all to edit catalog?



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    You should find that the Library tool in your catalog still shows your folders. For instance, the 2002 folder is still shown. But Capture One doesn't know where the folder has gone. So you will likely see something like this.

    You can right click on the folder and choose the Locate... item from the menu. 

    That should open a Finder window and you can navigate to wherever the 2002 folder is now to be found to show Capture One where it is now. If the folders are in a hierarchy, choose to Locate the one nearest the top of the hierarchy, and the subfolders should be found as well.


  • Brian Findlay

    Thanks, I will definitely do soon as I can get C1 to activate my license.  I get the "Could not activate because of an unknown error." message.  Jumped through all the hoops in the support note about this, and contacted C1...waiting to hear back.

    This is C1pro 2020 - and I am trying to install it on m4 mini  Other older software installs fine with rosetta.  Not sure why C1 is acting the way it is.


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Are you running Sequoia on the M4 Mini? CO 20 likely won't work on that platform. I would consider upgrading to the latest Capture One.

  • Brian Findlay

    Turns out it does run on Sequoia 15.2. I was able to get it sorted, and the 'locate' the top folder in the catalog worked.  Took about 5 minutes for it to re-index the folder structure - which is impressive with over 91k photos!!

    Thanks for chiming in folks!  Appreciate it.


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