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Z50 ii RAW Files not Support - Requires full Repurchase of Licence to resolve



  • JF

    This is, unfortunately, just how this industry works.  Pretty much every program that processes RAW files requires a newer version to process RAW files from a new camera, even if the underlying RAW format hasn't changed.   That's just the way they  all do it.  It is most definitely a downside to going the perpetual license route.  And, most companies charge for that newer version.

    The two things that can cause you to need a new perpetual license are buying a new camera (that your existing version of Capture One doesn't support) or occasionally an OS upgrade might break a feature in the program (more often on MacOS).

    As for automatic updates, Capture One only provides upgrades to the third digit of the version number.  So, if you bought 16.3.0, then you would be entitled to 16.3.1, 16.3.2 and so on, but as soon as they release 16.4, you don't get any more updates.  We only have a couple years of history to go by, but they seem to revise that second version in about 4-6 months so that's the most updates you get for a perpetual license. If you bought late in the version cycle, you may only get updates for a month or less.  The RAW camera support is just how this industry has worked from the beginning.  Way back when Adobe Lightroom first came out, it was only perpetual license with annual new releases and if they were onto the next version and you bought a newly released camera, you didn't get support for any new cameras either.  It's just always been that way.  What is new is Capture One's very short cycle of updates for a newly purchased perpetual license and also requiring you to buy a whole new perpetual license (no economical upgrade pricing).  Both these policies are, quite frankly, very customer-unfriendly policies.  But, it is what it is.

    Capture One's answer to all this would be to subscribe where you get all updates.  But, of  course, you then have to pay annually whether they add features you need/want or not and if you stop the subscription, you can't then continue to edit your existing library.

  • FirstName LastName

    Thanks for the response. As I said the C1 team, I am more than happy to pay a reasonable maintenance / support subscription at 10-15% of product cost to get updates for lenses, raw files etc, and upgrade when there are new features that are worth the upgrade. The issue for the likes of Capture One in my view is that there my not be much more innovation they can add, unless they go the route of Photoshop with Generative Fill etc. the issue for the user is that without any feature upgrades worth having then could be paying again and agin for something you effectively bought in about in your first 18 months of subscription - just to maintain compatibility with your equipment.

    All in all extremely frustrating and in my view in need of regulation, Nikon should have been up front in warning that the camera would be potentially useless with existing editing software.. but of course tht would not help the sales figures.

  • JF

    This is not a Nikon issue.  It's a Capture One issue.  It is Capture One that makes the policies that require you to buy a new version when you buy a newly released camera.

    There are plenty of ways left for Capture One to innovate in RAW image development - that is not the issue.

  • Richard Huggins

    Maybe have a look at Iridient N transformer to do the de mosaicing? He has a free trial. Not sure what will happen to the colour profile but might be worth a look.

  • Michael M

    My situation exactly.  I traded in my Nikon D500 for a Z8 and needed a new perpetual licence or subscription to process the raw files.  I looked at Lightroom, DXO and others but went with a new perpetual C1 licence.  At least C1 has a lot more functionality than my old version. 

    An impactful decision buying the Z8: 2 new Z lenses, new Mac Mini, external ssd + enclosure, new Mac monitor, new CF card and reader plus C1 licence.  I figure this is my kit for a while so the perpetual licence made sense.

  • FirstName LastName

    Thanks for all the feedback. On the is this a Nikon issue I still think they have a responsibility, they could make clear they have changed to RAW file type, they could also give the option to retain an older RAW file format in the menue settings. As for Capture One, while the industry may do this it does not make it right.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Every model of camera has a different raw file despite many having the same file extension. It is incorrect to assume all NEFs, or all CR2s, or all ARFs, etc., are the same. This has been true since the advent of digital photography.

  • FirstName LastName

    Sorry but that is no excuse, you are not forced to replace your car because one part fails, they sell you a new part, just like the file format of a RAW file for one camera is a tiny component of the whole Capture One product. It is wrong and unfair practice.

    Capture One should recognise that and provide a fair mechanism for such product maintenance as is the case in BTB Software, where the customer pays an ongoing maintenance fee for updates that keep the software working between major upgrades.

    What they are not forced to do by the supplier is re purchase the same software, which has no new functionality that they need, every single year, year after year.... which is exactly what Capture One are doing here in my view..

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Your failed part replacement scenario doesn't apply. You are replacing like for like. You can download the same version of Capture One you have now if you lose your drive or get a new computer. The applicable scenario is a new model car with new features. The auto makers don't retrofit earlier models with the new features.


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