Auto Reset Numbering ?
Is it possible to automatically reset 'numbering' when you select a different folder?
As in, in my old software when I renamed a number of photos taken that day, may naming format would be:
YEAR - MONTH - DAY - Sequence
This would look like this:
2019 - 02 - 22 - 0001.dng
The only thing is that in Capture One I have to go to File > Rename Counter > Reset Counter every time that I import images, if I do not then the Numbering sequence carry's on from where I left off, this gets a little annoying and slows down the workflow, it would be great if this could get reset every time that you do a Batch Rename, etc.
Is this possible?
No, but you can assign it to a keyboard shortcut. 0 -
I second this. I name images based on event or location. I do not see the use case for where someone would want a counter to continue from where it last was. Please consider either having the counter automatically reset at each import or, make it an option in preferences.
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I can't remember how often I have re-done exports because the counter does not reset automatically. And you have to do it for each and every format spec separately. It drives me crazy.
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Yeh this is maddening - how is this the default option? Is there a feature request section on these forums?
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Agreed. It also really hampers using multiple recipes simultaneously as the reset counter has to be selected to each one.
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Is there a feature request section on these forums?
Indeed there is.
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