Digital Asset Mismanagement
I'm testing cp1 pro v9 as an option for Aperture and I have to state one can hardly call
the library a DAM solution. This goes along with some strange User Interface decisions.
I think that's because catalogue is a new feature but I'm fairly disappointed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you cannot:
+ search for albums, projects, or groups in library tool tab
+ reject an image, like rate -1 stars or "x"
+ delete an image (from catalogue) in an album
+ select a few images in the browser and rate/color mark by clicking rate bar below the image
+ list images that are in the catalogue but not in any user collection
+ create album on import (you need to create an album first, then import to that)
+ use global filters. When activating "hide JPEG-files", then .jpeg files are hidden but NOT .jpg
+ delete albums, projects, or groups with keys command + delete
+ alter keyboard shortcuts, that are used by tools
+ moving an intelligent album, links to image reference will break.
+ speaking of coding, Applescript is just useless
update 12/12/15:
+ you cannot create an album from a selection. Like on import, create album first, then add selected images. It's just the wrong way round.
That's it for now, I will update/edit the list after further testing. I'm aware that this might partly be a rant and since I'm new to cp1, I might not have recognized some features and/or there are workarounds to accomplish the above mentioned issues. But that's no workflow or brilliant UI design, rather tedious image searching/administrating.
On the positive site: As a former Aperture User, I'm completely flashed by the editing features.
*** edit 12/14/15: Just saw that Bob already had the same questions here, but nobody answered:
the library a DAM solution. This goes along with some strange User Interface decisions.
I think that's because catalogue is a new feature but I'm fairly disappointed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you cannot:
+ search for albums, projects, or groups in library tool tab
- by the way, what are groups for? When selecting a group in library tool tab, you cannot see its contents in the browser.
+ reject an image, like rate -1 stars or "x"
- edit 12/14/15: learned, that the red flag is used for this
+ delete an image (from catalogue) in an album
- edit 12/14/15: here is the way it works, no albums but anywhere else, thanks to MartinG
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Except for albums, keyboard "Shift" + "Delete" works like charm.
In projects, imports and all images.
+ select a few images in the browser and rate/color mark by clicking rate bar below the image
- edit 12/14/15: key to this is toggle main/all variants in the toolbar, works with clicking on stars below the image in the browser, but not with color tags, right click tagging works always
+ list images that are in the catalogue but not in any user collection
+ create album on import (you need to create an album first, then import to that)
+ use global filters. When activating "hide JPEG-files", then .jpeg files are hidden but NOT .jpg
+ delete albums, projects, or groups with keys command + delete
- See item below on altering keyboard shortcuts, I did set delete as command + delete
but it just doesn't work, some sort of coding issue I think
+ alter keyboard shortcuts, that are used by tools
- I mention that, because when in browser view, you can doubleclick an image to get to viewer mode, but not vice versa. I think a lot of people are doing so like scrolling through a collection in browser view, then click an image to view/alter/mark etc, and after that continue scrolling in browser view. So I thought "v" would be a nice shortcut and it's located next to "b" on my keyboard, but that's used by the arrow tool so now it's "n", like "niewer" instead of "viewer".
+ moving an intelligent album, links to image reference will break.
- When moving the ia back in its former place, cp1 will very likely crash. I know this is bug and will be solved in later updates i hope. Right now it is just bad coding.
edit 12/14/15: Learned, that this is a useful feature. Smart albums refer always to the parent collection, they are in. That's nice. Though moving the smart album lets cp1 crash
+ speaking of coding, Applescript is just useless
update 12/12/15:
+ you cannot create an album from a selection. Like on import, create album first, then add selected images. It's just the wrong way round.
- edit 12/15/15: fastest workaround so far
[quote="BeO" wrote:
- Select images in the browser
- library tool, RIGHT-mouse click on the section header "user collections" (where the + and - buttons are)
- the context menu opens, select "add inside user collection"
- then select "album" and give it a name
- then drag the selected images to that album
That's it for now, I will update/edit the list after further testing. I'm aware that this might partly be a rant and since I'm new to cp1, I might not have recognized some features and/or there are workarounds to accomplish the above mentioned issues. But that's no workflow or brilliant UI design, rather tedious image searching/administrating.
On the positive site: As a former Aperture User, I'm completely flashed by the editing features.
*** edit 12/14/15: Just saw that Bob already had the same questions here, but nobody answered:
I too am an ex-Aperture user. I really like the COP editing, but one year on I am still struggling with the DAM features in COP.
I currently am at OX10.9, so COP9 is not supported. I am of two minds if I will upgrade to COP9 or spend my money on Photo Supreme or Photo Mechanic as a DAM solution, and use COP as editor only.
I gather the speed for DAM has been somewhat improved in COP9, but I suspect the problems it had with not recognizing the lens name in Panasonic images is yet to be resolved.0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ reject an image, like rate zero stars
menu>adjustments> rating> clear; or just press 0[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ delete an image (from catalogue) in an album
library tool, select the collection (album) and the image then press delete[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ delete albums, projects, or groups with keys command + delete
See item below on altering keyboard shortcuts, I did set delete as command + delete
but it just doesn't work, some sort of coding issue I think
I don't have a Mac but if this really does not work this can't be the reason not calling it a DAM.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ select a few images in the browser and rate/color mark by clicking rate bar below the image
There is a tooggle button "edit primary / edit all variants". Need to select "edit all variants" for a multi selection of images. Kind of a safety feature I'd say, it take a while to get used to but now I love it.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ list images that are in the catalogue but not in any user collection
would be cool[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ create album on import (you need to create an album first, then import to that)
so what?
You see your import in the "recent imports" in the library tool and can create an album afterwards[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ search for albums, projects, or groups in library tool tab
by the way, what are groups for? When selecting a group in library tool tab, you cannot see its contents in the browser.
that's indeed strange, the group should show all images of the subgroups but the designer chose not to do so for whatever reason.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ moving an intelligent album, links to image reference will break. When moving the ia back in its former place, cp1
will very likely crash. I know this is bug and will be solved in later updates i hope. Right now it is just bad coding.
You can /should open a support ticket for real bugs so that they are aware of it. You can do so even with the trial version.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ speaking of coding, Applescript is just useless
+ use global filters. When activating "hide JPEG-files", then .jpeg files are hidden but NOT .jpg
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ alter keyboard shortcuts, that are used by tools
I mention that, because when in browser view, you can doubleclick an image to get to viewer mode, but not vice versa.
I think a lot of people are doing so like scrolling through a collection in browser view, then click an image to view/alter/mark etc, and
after that continue scrolling in browser view. So I thought "v" would be a nice shortcut and it's located next to "b" on my keyboard, but that's used by the arrow tool so now it's "n", like "niewer" instead of "viewer".
double click in viewer should remain zoom to 100% / zoom to fit imho
I have set <alt>+<v> to show / hide viewer. I also have a decent gaming mouse with lots of buttons and assigned shortcuts to buttons[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
That's it for now, I will update/edit the list after further testing. I'm aware that this might partly be a rant and since I'm new to cp1, I might not have recognized some features and/or there are workarounds to accomplish the above mentioned issues. But that's no workflow or brilliant UI design, rather tedious image searching/administrating.
C1 DAM is certainly not gold. If you want that try LR, if you want the best (subjectively) raw development and tools, go C1.
The workflow/UI/structure and somewhat hidden but cool features is certainly something which needs some time to get used to / to figure out. Don't make the mistake judging one software by the concepts of another. Depending on your needs (pro?) you might want to go into sessions instead of catalogs which should be better thought through as that's where they're coming from. I'm with catalogs though (store files in "current location", not "inside catalog", I want access to my raws via the file system[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
On the positive site: As a former Aperture User, I'm completely flashed by the editing features.
The tools are indeed a big plus.
good luck and have fun
BeO0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ reject an image, like rate zero stars
Yes, the reject rating in Aperture was a nice way to quickly go through a shoot and mark the bad ones. C1 doesn't have that. You could use a color tag instead if you aren't using them yet for other things.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ delete an image (from catalogue) in an album
Yes, delete and remove is user unfriendly and could be improved.
Aperture had both, remove from album and delete version. The delete key only removed an image from an album in Aperture.
If you are in an album in C1 and you want to delete images from that album you can use menu item 'Show parent folder in library' and there you can then use 'remove from catalog'.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ search for albums, projects, or groups in library tool tab
Yes, that would be very nice to have. I organize all my images in projects and albums. I try to organize them in a logical way of course but would still be great if one could quickly find a certain album based on title and even better if albums could have meta-data (date, location, tags).[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
by the way, what are groups for? When selecting a group in library tool tab, you cannot see its contents in the browser.
See ... spx#item19
Groups are basically just what the names says, for grouping projects or albums. Nothing else. Of course that looks like 'Folder' in Aperture and a folder in Aperture just showed the images of any album in it.
I organize my images like this:
Projects (top level subjects) > Groups (by year) > Albums (per shoot)
Here I can display and search all images of a top level subject. But I can not show all images of year. But that's ok for me in this case.
I switched a year ago and am still not 100% convinced I am going to stay. Am especially concerned about the poor performance (and back-end architecture of the application), the amount of bugs and quality of support, and like you am missing DAM features to make our life easier. As a subscriber I'd get LR and PS for the same price.
C1 in combination with a modernized and improved Media Pro could be great but the state of Media Pro is just sad and the fact they don't even advertise it on the products page any longer I think says enough.
I suggest you make feature requests for the features you are missing. Describe what you need and why you need it.
A classic format of a user story is:As a User Persona...,
I want to do something...,
In order to solve this problem....0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ reject an image, like rate zero stars[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
Yes, the reject rating in Aperture was a nice way to quickly go through a shoot and mark the bad ones. C1 doesn't have that. You could use a color tag instead if you aren't using them yet for other things.
Yes, could be a workaround, found "+" and "-" as shortcuts for red/green[quote="BeO" wrote:
menu>adjustments> rating> clear; or just press 0
I wasn't precise here. It should have been rate -1. When trying to quickfilter images to find rejected ones, there is no option for no stars. Moreover, the options are filter (n*) and higher. When rejecting images, you would have to rate five stars in order to display them solely. I'm aware of defining filters, but that is not a quick workflow. Right now, I'm using a selection folder to collect the images with command + j, then marking them "red" in the collection folder and, when done, go to all images, filter the red ones and delete them. Thats a long way.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ delete an image (from catalogue) in an album[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
If you are in an album in C1 and you want to delete images from that album you can use menu item 'Show parent folder in library' and there you can then use 'remove from catalog'.
I'm working in a managed catalogue right now, 'show parent folder' and 'Show in Finder' are greyed out.[quote="BeO" wrote:
library tool, select the collection (album) and the image then press delete
You got me wrong, I want to delete the picture from the catalogue from within an album. Deleting from an album creates unreferenced image phantoms in the catalogue. See "+ list images that are in the catalogue but not in any user collection"[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ select a few images in the browser and rate/color mark by clicking rate bar below the image[quote="BeO" wrote:
There is a tooggle button "edit primary / edit all variants". Need to select "edit all variants" for a multi selection of images.
Indeed great, didn't know that yet. Sadly, it just works with stars and not with color ratings when clicking in browser view.[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
I try to organize them in a logical way of course but would still be great if one could quickly find a certain album based on title and even better if albums could have meta-data (date, location, tags).
Totally agreed[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
+ create album on import (you need to create an album first, then import to that)[quote="BeO" wrote:
so what?
You see your import in the "recent imports" in the library tool and can create an album afterwards
This is just adding an unnecessary step to to the import. Reminds me of another missing feature:
+ you cannot create an album from a selection. Like on import, create album first, then add selected images. It's just the wrong way round.[quote="BeO" wrote:
You can /should open a support ticket for real bugs so that they are aware of it. You can do so even with the trial version.- I tried that twice, no server reponse/server not available.
[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
Am especially concerned about the poor performance (and back-end architecture of the application), the amount of bugs and quality of support[quote="BeO" wrote:
C1 DAM is certainly not gold. If you want that try LR, if you want the best (subjectively) raw development and tools, go C1.- It's just the price tag that comes with cp1, that makes me expect more. In fact, I really want to like cp1, but phase one makes it really tough to do so. Furthermore, they miss to convince all those former Aperture users, who desperately seek for a new solution. I tried LR a few years ago but felt, that its a complete feature overload and when looking at the screen, there is so much space wasted with those crazy frames around images. And, I don't like Adobe as a company, so I tend to keep their software on my computer next to nothing.
0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
It's just the price tag that comes with cp1, that makes me expect more. In fact, I really want to like cp1, but phase one makes it really tough to do so. Furthermore, they miss to convince all those former Aperture users, who desperately seek for a new solution.
This is the sad nut of it for me. I'm an Aperture refugee, like many, looking for a new home and not really liking Lightroom. I use it because I "have" to, not because I want to. Its DAM is no comparison to Aperture, but it is much better than CO.
A soon as CO can get its DAM act together, I'll be a switcher, for sure. And maybe CO9 with its better keywording could be enough - I can possible wait a bit for image stacking.
The "watch out" for me is the bugginess of Phase One's releases. CO9 has many and I have several support tickets in that they have reproduced and recognize as bugs. Will they get fixed in 9.0.1? How soon will 9.0.1 be out? Will it take until 10.0 to get stacking and until 10.0.1 to get that to work?
I would love to drop Lightroom for CO and Photoshop for Affinity Photo and it feels so close, but just out of reach.0 -
I suspect you may not yet have found all of the ways to do things in C1.
Give it time and some of your patience and consider the opportunities available for defining your personalised workspaces, searches, filters and so on.
Reading you list of absent functionality I feel sure that you have quite a few features as yet undiscovered - but I am reluctant to say more since I use sessions (not catalogues) on Windows and there are some enforced differences between the Win and Mac UIs.
But to take two examples.
When changing a star rating or colour tag in the browser I can select multiple images and simply apply the changes in a single key stroke. For that type of change (at least in a session on Windows) there is no requirements for control by single or multiple variants. There is no calculation for the image settings, just a field change in the file information. Fast and efficient.
Secondly you can create your own search/filter definitions and save them for future use. If you have a particular workflow where filtering is beneficial then filter away to your won definitions rather than just the standard defaults offered by a system.
There may indeed be things missing for you - but I would guess there is also a lot you have not yet stumbled across that you would really appreciate.
Grant0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
I'm testing cp1 pro v9 as an option for Aperture and I have to state one can hardly call
the library a DAM solution. This goes along with some strange User Interface decisions.
Former Aperture user here. Your list is pretty spot on. Some of the missing features I already forgot because I adapted to the shortcomings because of a lack of better options on the market (get LR as far away from me as possible).
I don't know what the issue is here, because most of the very simple failures could be corrected pretty easily. It seems that the PO development team lacks some serious database specialists as some of the design decisions (e.g. clicking on groups and not showing anything in the browser) are just mind-blowing. This would be a minor oversight in the early 2000s but makes your hair stand up in 2015. We are talking about things that were around in Aperture 1.0 in 2005.
EDIT: just found another UI design failure: you can raise the star rating of images in the grid view by clicking on the stars. But try to reset it to zero (no stars): won't work. You can reduce it to one star, but you can not get rid of this one star by clicking on it. The only way to get back to zero is to press 0 on the keyboard. ๐0 -
You can get rid of that last star by dragging across the stars, right to left, and continuing past the last, left-most star.
This is in v9.
But I agree. Apertureรขโฌโขs database abilities in version 1.0 were magnitudes more powerful and complete than Lightroomรขโฌโขs or Capture Oneรขโฌโขs are to this day.0 -
I have a workaround for rejecting and then deleting images you can try and see if you like it.
Pick a color - I use red and use that to mark your rejected images.
Create a folder in the folder section you label trash.
Filter for the reject color (red in my case.)
Select all and drag them to the trash folder.
hit delete and that will delete the images from the catalog.
Go to finder outside of C1 and select all the images in the trash folder, right click and send to trash.
Empty trash.
More indirect than Aperture, but not a lot - recall that deleted images in aperture go to a trash folder than needs to be emptied before the images are actually deleted.
Of course if you haven't yet deleted your red images there is no filter for not red
I agree a rejected image flag would be helpful during the image culling process.0 -
@ reject and selete images workflows [quote="Peter762" wrote:
Pick a color - I use red and use that to mark your rejected images.
Create a folder in the folder section you label trash.
Filter for the reject color (red in my case.)
Select all and drag them to the trash folder.
hit delete and that will delete the images from the catalog.
Go to finder outside of C1 and select all the images in the trash folder, right click and send to trash.
Empty trash.
Similar to mine, but still a workaround.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Right now, I'm using a selection folder to collect the images with command + j, then marking them "red" in the collection folder and, when done, go to all images, filter the red ones and delete them.0 -
Seems to be a trend i post from people who migrate from other software, they want C1pro to be something it's not. C1pro is not Aperture (Thank God) or LR.
You either get to grips with it and learn the workflow of C1pro or you simply get something else that works for you.
While bugs should be reported and voiced on the forum,as suggestions of new features etc. Direct comparison and complaining that it doesn't work like aperture or LR etc is pointless.
I'm fairly new to CP1Pro and i switched from LR due to the fact the features it offers overshadows the features it may lack by a long shot.
If i want catalog features like LR, then i'll just fire up LR. No software will be perfect and cover all the bases.
Bottomline just because C1Pro does things another way, doesn't mean it's a missing "feature."0 -
Thanks for your statement, Paul, but it is leading to nowhere.
As you stated above[quote="Paul Lindqvist" wrote:
While bugs should be reported and voiced on the forum,as suggestions of new features etc.
my list is in fact a feature request and a call for help, how things work in cp1.[quote="Paul Lindqvist" wrote:
Bottomline just because C1Pro does things another way, doesn't mean it's a missing "feature."
This goes along with the poor documentation of cp1,
and the poor response of the support server/team. Just click on the FAQ button top right on this site.
Really helpful in this forum would be boards like- feature requests
common workflows
with pinned, administrated posts on top of the board.
Your post reminds me of searching Apple Mac forums and getting answers like:- Why would you do so? (Who cares.)
We don't things this way here.0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Really helpful in this forum would be boards like- feature requests
common workflows
with pinned, administrated posts on top of the board.
Remember this is a user forum. While we can discuss feature request here to get some feedback from other users, the right place for feature requests (and bug reports) is the support center. Product management of Phase One does not seem to be interested in having an active conversation with users in this forum.0 -
[quote="Paul Lindqvist" wrote:
Seems to be a trend i post from people who migrate from other software, they want C1pro to be something it's not. C1pro is not Aperture (Thank God) or LR.
You either get to grips with it and learn the workflow of C1pro or you simply get something else that works for you.
Bottomline just because C1Pro does things another way, doesn't mean it's a missing "feature."
I think we're all good with that, it's just that many here are either Aperture "refugees" (left because we had to, not because we wanted to) or "upgraders" from Lightroom. I'm certainly the former and now the latter as well. โน๏ธ
So we naturally fall back to a paradigm we're familiar with, and search for the parallels in CO.
It would be a great help, to me at least, if there were an "Aperture switchers guide to CO." I may try to tackle one if I can get familiar enough with CO to call it my new "home." Also helpful on the forums would be responses along the lines of "I'm an experienced user of CO, and don't know Aperture, but in CO you do that thing like this... and here's why."
As to "missing features," they may not be missing in the classic sense, but they might be good ideas for additions! Not everything CO does is perfect, and not everything Aperture did, and Lightroom does, is wrong.0 -
[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
Product management of Phase One does not seem to be interested in having an active conversation with users in this forum.
If this is true, it is sad. What better place to engage with users in a constructive way?0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Thanks for your statement, Paul, but it is leading to nowhere.
As you stated above
You are quite welcome.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
my list is in fact a feature request and a call for help, how things work in cp1.
And a rant, as you mentioned in your opening post.
Call for help? There is a workflow forum where you could asked specific question how people do this and that. Stating how you used to do things and that C1pro can't do it the same way is not the same thing as asking for help.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
This goes along with the poor documentation of cp1,
Poor documentation? They have quite extensive documentation both on youtube and on their website. More then enough for someone willing to actually read/view it.
They also have live webinars where you can take part and ask questions, i assume you signed up for one and also found that to be a poor resource ? (3 different occasions)[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
and the poor response of the support server/team. Just click on the FAQ button top right on this site.
If you can't manage to set your own keyboard shortcuts there is list of the most commonly used. ... shortcuts/
That's a 1-second google search.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Really helpful in this forum would be boards like- feature requests
common workflows
Maybe you missed the forum Workflow and Common Photography Exploration[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Your post reminds me of searching Apple Mac forums and getting answers like:- Why would you do so? (Who cares.)
We don't things this way here.
Your post reminds me of the youth of today, where they want to be spoon fed everything without any effort.
Truth is you haven't done you'r homework, pretty much all the information you "asked" for could be found/discovered in the PO's documentation, youtube videos, and webinars.0 -
[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
I think we're all good with that, it's just that many here are either Aperture "refugees" (left because we had to, not because we wanted to) or "upgraders" from Lightroom. I'm certainly the former and now the latter as well. โน๏ธ
I don't based on Op's first post/rant/feature request etc.[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
So we naturally fall back to a paradigm we're familiar with, and search for the parallels in CO.
Understandable to a degree, but to not acknowledge that C1Pro does things differently and often successfully so is a misstake.[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
It would be a great help, to me at least, if there were an "Aperture switchers guide to CO." I may try to tackle one if I can get familiar enough with CO to call it my new "home." Also helpful on the forums would be responses along the lines of "I'm an experienced user of CO, and don't know Aperture, but in CO you do that thing like this... and here's why."
There are actually plenty of resources on this topic.
For example there is a one hour webinar on the subject
A google search on subject will give you a plethora of blog, articles on the subject.
BUT again there is plenty of resources to get one self familiar with C1pro and it's workflow.
There are simply no excuses in terms of "poor documentation"[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
As to "missing features," they may not be missing in the classic sense, but they might be good ideas for additions! Not everything CO does is perfect, and not everything Aperture did, and Lightroom does, is wrong.
Yes sure, but the list op listed was not good "ideas" they where stated as missing features you can't do this and that. The fact is OP haven't taken the time to learn the workflow in C1Pro 1.
No software is perfect, no software does it all.
You simply have to find the ones that will work for you.0 -
[quote="Paul Lindqvist" wrote:
There are actually plenty of resources on this topic.
For example there is a one hour webinar on the subject
A google search on subject will give you a plethora of blog, articles on the subject.
I've done a good bit of searching and watched that video. Most of what I've seen has been helpful, but concentrated mostly on importing file structures from Aperture or Lightroom and less on how tools in Capture One work as opposed to how they work in Aperture or Lightroom.
For example, sharpening. I've seen and read lots of stuff about sharpening in Lightroom/Photoshop and some on Aperture. But I haven't been able to find "the good stuff" for CO. Pointers?0 -
Hey Paul, I think this needs a bit of settlement and you are probably right with what you're saying. So, if I
chose the wrong terms or offended you, apologies from here.[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
the right place for feature requests (and bug reports) is the support center.
You might be right, this might overload the forum, I'm just used (again behavioral) to forums like
where you can mark issues as solved or/and then relink new users to those answers.0 -
[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
For example, sharpening. I've seen and read lots of stuff about sharpening in Lightroom/Photoshop and some on Aperture. But I haven't been able to find "the good stuff" for CO. Pointers?
Not much difference then LR, amount, radius, and threshold pretty straight forward. Really isn't any magic value, depends entirely on the image.
I found the sharpening to be a little more subtle and more fine tuneable, though i rarely touched sharpening in LR as i just did basic conversion and sorting rest where done in photoshop.
The clarity and saturation slider also gives me better results then LRCC, bottomline is that now i only bring the files in PS for retouching.0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Hey Paul, I think this needs a bit of settlement and you are probably right with what you're saying. So, if I
chose the wrong terms or offended you, apologies from here.
My apologies if i came off a bit harsh.0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
@ reject and selete images workflows[quote="Peter762" wrote:
Pick a color - I use red and use that to mark your rejected images.
Create a folder in the folder section you label trash.
Filter for the reject color (red in my case.)
Select all and drag them to the trash folder.
hit delete and that will delete the images from the catalog.
Go to finder outside of C1 and select all the images in the trash folder, right click and send to trash.
Empty trash.
Similar to mine, but still a workaround.[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Right now, I'm using a selection folder to collect the images with command + j, then marking them "red" in the collection folder and, when done, go to all images, filter the red ones and delete them.
A red flag is more or less the default when you want to cull an image. Also you don't need any workaround in order to delete pictures. It works as follows:
- Go to the library tab and select only the pictures with a red flag
- Select all pictures found
- Go to the trash can symbol, press the Shift key and click on the trash can button.
- In the pop-up that appears yo can indicate that you want the pictures to be move to the system trash.
Hope it helps.0 -
[quote="MartinGJ" wrote:
A red flag is more or less the default when you want to cull an image. Also you don't need any workaround in order to delete pictures. It works as follows:
- Go to the library tab and select only the pictures with a red flag
- Select all pictures found
- Go to the trash can symbol, press the Shift key and click on the trash can button.
- In the pop-up that appears yo can indicate that you want the pictures to be move to the system trash.
I can't get to it work, at least for images stored inside the catalog and selected from within an album.
All that the trash can icon, or shifted trash can icon, do is remove the image from the album, not from storage.
What am I missing?0 -
[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
I can't get to it work, at least for images stored inside the catalog and selected from within an album.
All that the trash can icon, or shifted trash can icon, do is remove the image from the album, not from storage.
What am I missing?
Don't use albums when you want to delete. Since they are already flagged, show all images and then filter the flagged or use projects (and have your albums in projects).0 -
There we go, that's was the right path: [quote="MartinGJ" wrote:
- Go to the library tab and select only the pictures with a red flag
- Select all pictures found
- Go to the trash can symbol, press the Shift key and click on the trash can button.
- In the pop-up that appears yo can indicate that you want the pictures to be move to the system trash.
Dragging something on the trash can symbol doesn't work here (cp1 9, os x 10.11), but:
Except for albums, keyboard "Shift" + "Delete" works like charm.
In projects, imports and all images.
Thanks, Martin0 -
[quote="harald_walker" wrote:
[quote="BobRockefeller" wrote:
I can't get to it work, at least for images stored inside the catalog and selected from within an album.
All that the trash can icon, or shifted trash can icon, do is remove the image from the album, not from storage.
What am I missing?
Don't use albums when you want to delete. Since they are already flagged, show all images and then filter the flagged or use projects (and have your albums in projects).
Project seem weird. I have a project with two albums. One is an album with all the images in the project and the other is a smart album of picks (4-star or greater images). When I select the project, the browser gives me just the contents of the picks smart folder, not all the images. The ones I want to delete aren't in the picks, of course.
Am I still missing something?0 -
Project with albums and smart albums work on my machine. what about active filters on the project?
Cheers0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
Project with albums and smart albums work on my machine. what about active filters on the project?
Bingo! Thanks.
Odd that it works on a project - but OK!0 -
[quote="twelvefingerjoe" wrote:
update 12/12/15:
+ you cannot create an album from a selection. Like on import, create album first, then add selected images. It's just the wrong way round.
You can.
- Select images in the browser
- library tool, RIGHT-mouse click on the section header "user collections" (where the + and - buttons are)
- the context menu opens, select "add inside user collection"
- then select "album" and give it a name
- then drag the selected images to that album
Weird so that the + button is disabled when you have selected any other album. The + button works when selecting images in the "recent imports" for example.
(C1 8.3.3 win)
When it comes to workflow and features in C1, have you watched the great webinar recordings from David?
BeO0 -
C1 is my main photo development tool, and I generally enjoy using it. I do think there is a bit of NIH syndrome at Phase though. Sometimes other tools actually do have a better way to do something, and there is nothing wrong with adopting it. Sometimes. ๐ 0
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