[WINDOWS] Powershell Script Correction for Processing/Exporting getting Stuck
Have you ever had issues with viewing/processing/exporting problems with Capture one?
The source was taken from the steps listed here: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002404937-Troubleshooting-OpenCL-in-case-of-viewing-processing-exporting-problem
In case you’re on Windows Operating System, I’ve created a PowerShell Script to solve the issue with the processing software that is GitHub, here's how to use the script:
Prerequisites To use the script.
You would need the following:
- Open Powershell as Administrator
- Run-on Powershell
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
- And Accept the changes by pressing (‘A’ and then enter).
- Download the script at Github
- Move the file into the Desktop
move-item $env:userprofile\download\Repair-CaptureOne.ps1 $env:userprofile\desktop
- Make sure you have closed Capture One software
You can leave it open, the script will manage to close it. The only thing is that when you open the software again it will detect that it was not closed clearly.
- Run-on Powershell
Original Post was done by using Medium on April 25th 2020.
Thank you
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