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What's in Capture One 21



  • Bart Vanbever

    Some news about what's new and the timing would be nice indeed.

    Asking to pay for something without any specifications nor delivery time is not a customer friendly action in my humble opinion.

    But to conclude positive: happy about the announced 20% discount.

  • Arthur Poon

    Me too and would like to know what is the improvement. I am also want to know will it get the free upgrade due to I got my Capture One 20 license in July 2020? 

  • Kaveh Vaghefi

    Seriously, came here to say this, it seems really weird to send an email out asking us to pre-order a product without actually telling anyone if there's anything new/different in said product.

  • Jim Hughes

    I wasted a few minutes before concluding that yes, they're actually not telling you a thing about the product they'd like you to pre-order.    

    This is certainly a new twist.  LOL.



  • Michele Cattaneo

    I haven't received any mail.

    More technical information is appreciated.

    TNK in advanced.


  • Barry Sanders

    I find the timing of this to be odd with all the Adobe news circulating. As the case with video games, don't pre-order unless there's some significant discount or bonus. 

    Someone else had this question, but I just upgraded from the Sony only version to the full version about a month ago.  I would really hope to be in the "free" upgrade window.  I also hope that Capture One 21 doesn't go the Adobe Photoshop 2021/ Portrait Pro route and FILTERFY everything.

  • ernst.w

    "Likewise, I would want to know what the changes are before committing to that."

    More than this I would like to know if any of me annoing issues was fixed and which one(s).

  • André Vinzio

    J'approuve les commentaires ci-dessus : Proposer une mise à jour payante sans en donner le contenu, même avec un rabais de 20%, n'est vraiment pas fair-play


  • SFA

    No one is being forced to order before they discover what will be available when the release is finally, finally finalised.

    If you really need to know just wait until the announcement is made.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Just out of curiosity are you the Capture One apologist? For whatever reason you feel the need to respond to virtually every thread with this ceaseless defence of Capture One.

    Do they have you on the payroll?

  • SFA


    I assume that comment was directed at me?

    If I were on the C1 payroll I would not be permitted to comment in the forum.

    I dislike seeing forums that become little more than places where people only visit to moan endlessly.

    There are positive things to discover and, for those who can be bothered to take the time themselves rather than rely on the goodwill of others, many interesting features and functions to discover in the software.

    I rather like the software, by the way. One of only 3 commercial products that I actually enjoy using. Of the other two, one is (or rather was) an raw converter and editor quite similar to C1. The other is a data extraction and analysis tool. If I like software I also like to try to offer some assistance to other users and learn some things myself through user forums.

    In past years we have seen large numbers of people, abandoned by Aperture, arriving and seeking to direct C1 in the direction of becoming Aperture and, more recently, what seems to be others turning up and trying to make C1 into LightRoom but with a perpetual license.

    I get the impression that many of them are reluctant to engage with C1 as C1 at the start of that journey. They may be missing out. Sometimes some independent observations may help them decide one way or another.

    Others are lost causes.

    So be it.

    If the content of the forum is left entirely to the critics, newcomers will almost certainly get the wrong impression about the level of criticism, especially if they decide the forum is a good guide as to whether C1 can do a good job for them.

    Sometimes a little balance seems like a good basis for making input. I would not like to see C1 go the way of Aperture for example.

    But in the end this does not matter.

    That the forum ends up with multiple identical threads, about an issue where so many commenters do not seem to have thought things through very well. That suggests to me that there may be benefits from reading about different views when trying to making up one's own mind whether or not to take advantage of a particular offer.

    Others will continue to see the world as they see it come what may.

    Probably none of this matters much in the medium term. With non-mobile device camera sales falling year on year and imaging technology seemingly heading deep into AI territory, the entire concept of RAW images and extensive post processing may soon be left to a very small, select group of people.

    Until that finally happens it seems reasonable to attempt to balance negativity with some positives, to help out other users when possible and learn form them, positively, at the same time. Also to try to offer some alternative views of things when people seem to have a misconstrued or somewhat unusual opinion on a subject.

    They may be right and there could well be something to discover in what they say but, as originally said, some things, some times can seem strange at first understanding and it may be useful to seek clarification and perhaps offer some alternative viewpoints.

    I do appreciate that some may find that irritating. But then I find relentless criticism irritating so providing a little balance seems a reasonable thing to do.


    Edited for typos and some slight improvement in readability (I hope).

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Thanks for some sanity, Grant.


  • Mark Witherington

    SFA is one of the people in this forum that actually tries to help people and as often is the case doesn't get the thanks they deserve.  I appreciate the balance SFA, thanks.  

    While I still think it is a bit odd to promote an upgrade without any detail, going through the debate here has lead me to think differently and explore other options to get the information I need to make a decision.  SFA is perfectly correct that nobody is forcing us to upgrade and it was a timely and sobering comment for me.

    It is human nature to try and jump for discount, if it wasn't then companies would not do it so often.  My initial thought was to resist the discount and wait for the release and find out what the changes were, but eventually I figured out that I could actually get involved by signing up for and getting hold of a beta copy. After seeing in I think there are some useful features that will help me.

    So for me the negative and positive comments have helped.  Negative comments lead me to go find more information, the positive comments (or one in particular) helped me find the information I needed to make a decision.

    There is a tendency for negativity in culture today as it plays on people's fears, we just have to look at news media to see it.  it's easy to get sucked in to a negative attitude, let's all try to be a bit more positive :).

  • SFA

    Thanks Ian.

    Thanks Mark too, especially for introducing the wider angles of human nature to the discussion!

    I think nearly everyone falls into the category of seeking a "deal" and it is, in general, important that we do since retailers operate based on the expectation that we will. However there are times when we need to step back and ask ourselves about exceptions to natural instincts and whether the cost of looking for deals or delaying an investment will be greater to us personally than the potential savings available. But that's a very personal decision.

    I am reminded of a situation from a long time ago when desktop PCs were in their infancy.

    The buyer at the company I was working for at the time was asked to obtain 2 "floppy disk"s for backup purposes as a one-off purchase and needed quickly.

    He spent an entire day on the task looking for the best deal he could find since this was a new type of product that he had not previously needed to know about. Most of that time was spent getting the best price. I think in the end he saved about £1 on a £10 deal that could have been satisfied in minutes (the techs needed the disk ASAP) from a source just down the street. A distinctly false economy in that case.

  • Kaveh Vaghefi

    Well this has gone off topic rather quickly.  I don't really care who is on who's payroll, fundamentally the original purpose of this thread still stands.  It's really weird to be sending out an upgrade offer like this with *no* actual announcement of what's different in 21.x.  Whoever's payroll you're on, the only way you'd be constructively adding to this topic is to actually offer some information that would answer the original question here.


    I've looked through the site and couldn't find anything.  What's more, I got a second email this morning again saying I should "Pre-Order and save".  Why?  What am I getting by even buying version 21.x (pre-order or not)?  I think that's a very fair question to ask before money changes hands.

  • Mark Witherington

    haha, 'he saved about £1 on a £10 deal', and probably spent £20 on human effort doing the investigation :D.  That sounds very familiar. 

    I watched an interesting webex last night for another piece of software and the discussion was around 'value', which struck a cord with me.  I think the thing that people don't like about the strategy is that they cannot gauge 'value'. Generally speaking,  those that pre-order without knowing what's in the software are to some extent trusting the supplier to deliver something that adds value, be it performance increases, new tools or whatever it may be. Those who wait to see what's in the update or actively go out and find the information want to gauge the value for themselves. Some I suppose just want to be on the latest version and don's care so much.

    Generally when looking at software and particularly updates, I ask myself is will what's being added save me time or make the job easier/more enjoyable and therefore is the money being asked worth it to me.  Since Capture One is my primary editing tool, I suspect I sit somewhere between two and three in that I want to be able to gauge value, but in all likelihood I will get the update as out of the editing software I use Capture One gets used the most.  

  • Mark Witherington

    Kaveh Vaghefi,

    Reliable information on the content of C1 21 seems only available through people who have been involved in the beta test program.  It has been made abundantly clear by Capture One that if involved in the beta program that the content is under NDA and any discussion around the content in any open forum is strictly prohibited. Therefore it is unlikely that anyone here will be able to make a statement as to what's in the new version.

    Now there is information out there if people wanna go find it, there is still I think an opportunity to get involved in the beta program, so the choice is to wait for a statement from Capture One or go find the information needed.

  • Gonzalo Contreras

    Dear all,


    I have read various responses and comments.

    It is simple, any company that is promoting a new version, always says what are the enhancements of what you will be obtaining from the new version/payment. It is curious that they send you directly to the payment section, without knowing what you will get.

    I wrote to David in this regard, but haven't received an answer yet.

    Hope C1 changes the strategy which does not accommodate to some of us.


  • Ricardo Gomes

    Hello, I own Studio One 20 licence ? should I pay to get the updade ?

  • SFA


    When Capture One 21 is released you should be able to take a trial for 30 days to see what it offers that is of benefit to you before you make your decision.

    Based on the history of release dates over the past 4 or 5 years one could estimate that the release might be in the next 2 to 3 weeks. Usually there is a short delay after Apple releases an OS update while possible last minute changes to the OS specification are assessed so that the C1 release can be finalised.

    I'm not sure from what wrote whether you have a Capture One Studio license (now "Enterprise"?).

    If you do perhaps your best option would be to talk to your Capture One contacts (as I understand it Enterprise has some form of direct support) and discuss your options with them.

    So far as I am aware all variations of the Capture One license options are released at the same time. It may be that most of those licenses are obtained on a subscription model basis, in which case the update is available anyway with no purchase decision required.

    Bear in mind that my comments are made as a fellow user and NOT an official of Capture One.

  • Ricardo Gomes

    I purchase the perpetual license of Capture One 20 for Sony last year so, should I repay 130 euros to upgrade ? in this case it is not an update it's just buying a new license...

  • SFA

    I see that there is to be a "Sneak Peek" activity on 17th November.

    Hopefully that will be helpful for those wishing to know what is being offered with the introduction of V21.

  • SFA

    @Ricardo Gomes

    Is your personal upgrade option offer for your Sony deal that much with the discount?

    I assume the number includes VAT?

  • Ricardo Gomes

    @sfa sorry for telling you this way but I don’t really see no factual information in you answers ... Yes or No, should I repay a perpetual licence for C1 21 ? Or should à go for a “photoshop” subscription to get it free ?

  • Mark Witherington


    It seems to me that you need to look at the prices under your profile. In my profile it looks to me that the an annual subscription is £180 for the year, out of offer it's £20 a month for the Pro version which is what I have, the costs for what you have may be different. I managed to get C1 21 under the offer for £120, so it seems to me that buying perpetual is cheaper for the version I have.  Although I am not a person who like subscriptions and it is the main reason I left Lightroom, so there may be some advantages to subscription that I am not aware of, but I am sure the information is there for the taking with a bit of research.

    It also seems to me that if you go subscription then you are sort of tied in going forward.

    As for if you should upgrade or not, the choice is clear, the upgrade is available on offer and if you can buy it with the information available, which is not much information, or you can wait until release, find out what's in it and then upgrade or not. The offer may end, but Capture One have had other offers throughout the year in previous years, and if you wait then you can take your chance later when you know what you are getting and decide then.

    I enrolled in the beta test programme and this is a method of getting some information on what's in C1 21. I did also manage to find some sites that have leaked the content although how much trust can be placed in some of this information is for the reader to decide. Information can be available if you are willing to look. 

  • SFA
    @Ricardo Gomes

    "@sfa sorry for telling you this way but I don’t really see no factual information in you answers ... Yes or No, should I repay a perpetual licence for C1 21 ? Or should à go for a “photoshop” subscription to get it free ?"

    2 replies.

    I asked the last question because, as Mark has pointed out, existing customers can access personalised information about their available offers for upgrades of changes to the way they wish to pay for Capture One thorugh their Capture One accounts.

    I do not have the same version of C1 that you have and I live in a place with a different currency and (probably) tax rate.

    Your upgrade price quoted in Euros looks a little higher than I would expect from the information you had previously offered. So I thought I would check with you.

    Without that information there is no way I could or would make any sort of recommendation.

    I do not understand your last sentence that mentions photoshop.

    Mark's words offer good advice.

    There is no way that anyone should offer a "yes/no" answer to your question as it is written.

    Only you can decide.

  • Ricardo Gomes

    Ok, thanks for answer anyway

  • Kevin Ip

    Yes, at this point is Anti-Consumer. This is bad - I already made a publicity on social media. Trying to sell you something you don't know.



  • SFA


    Everytime anyone signs up for a subscription (Microsoft, Adobe and everyone else in the software business if they think they can do so ) or a new cell phone with the "promise" of it being updated with future updates of its operating system, (content unknown) or even Apple when people but some fully controlled hardware with no idea what they might be required to install during their years of pre-paid support ownership, they are buying into the unknown. Often with no choice.

    The simple message is that here you have a choice. If it worries you you have absolutely no need to purchase the software or the update if you already have a license for an earlier version before you know what it contains. You can even test it for 30 days to be sure that you fully understand what the descriptions mean and whether they work for you.

    I am simply amazed that so many people (it seems - perhaps just the vocal minority?) do not seem to properly understand this. It's fine to not like the idea of buying blind. I am with people on that.

    But the point is you do not have to if you do not want to.

    Why all of the angst?

    Is it some sort of Pandemic response?

    Have people lost all of their ability to think rationally?

    Or is it just good for social media 'likes'?


  • Gonzalo Contreras

    I just saw some of the comments regarding CO21, the last post has a good explanation on subscriptions, I would just delete the second half of it, it does not add value.

    In my opinion, CO made a mistake on the launch of version 21; for those who have a perpetual license, they were asking us to blindly pay additionally for uncertain features.

    After seeing Tuesday's sneak peek, none of the features have true value for me, guess that it has for some photographers, otherwise they wouldn't have developed it.

    Wouldn’t it be better if CO said: for all our customers that have perpetual licenses for X amount of years, will have a discount when the new version is launched based on the number of years you are using and upgrading CO, rewarding loyalty. Payment would be done only after you see the product and decide to pay for the upgrade.

    Anyway, water under the bridge, will have to wait and see when v21 is out to see all features.


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