Bug: HDR produces artifacts
I have two images merged to HDR in C1 22.
The merged result shows artifacts all over the image. Uniform areas are now sprinkled with blotches making the file worse than the originals.
The same two images merged to HDR in LR look fine!!
Here are examples of the artifacts on a wall:
Here is a link to the example files used: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZG1Q0VZFSgaCNCyMn08bA3TctCezznDrQik
In this current implementation the HDR functionality is not of much use if you cannot trust its results and have to go back to Lightroom if they do not work. Please fix this asap since HDR and Panoramas where your main added functions in 22 and both do not work reliably as of now (4 month after launch!!)
BTW: Lightroom HDR-files can still not be imported to C1 whereas the C1 file can be read in LR. Please make LR HDR files appear in C1 too!
Have you tried turning off hardware acceleration? It is sometimes the cause of artefacts in images. (Obviously it is better to have it turned on if you can, but you could try this again with it off, and see if it makes a difference. If it does you could look into changing your graphics driver.)
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Hi Ian,
thanks for the suggestion.
I just tried without hardware acceleration, but the result has not changed.
So I hardware related issue can be ruled out.
Best wishes
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Oh, well, it was worth trying the hardware acceleration: it's quick and easy to eliminate that as a possibility.
I have downloaded your files and tried the HDR merge myself. I get the same results you do, with the same artefacts. The only other thing I can think of is that there is a very wide range of exposures in your two images. The only difference is the shutter speed of 1/00 in one shot and 1/1250 in the other. That's getting on for 4 stops. (Actually close to 3.65 stops, by my calculation.) To follow the recommended approach from Capture One you'd also have a third shot in between those two.
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Well the exposure difference should not be really a problem, since any other HDR program does not suffer from those kinds of artifacts. Also C1 advises to only use two exposures to minimize the effect of movement. Since the camera shoots +0 +2 -2, the two exposures I am interested are +2 and -2. As said this works with any software I tried except C1. If it does not it is really limiting the functionality. That's why I see this as a bug.
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Actually, Capture One recommends three exposures for optimal results. See point 1 here.
If you have the +0 shot as well, have you tried merging all three?
Other software may use different algorithms in their merging process; but if Capture One has designed theirs to make use of the middle exposure too, it is worth trying.
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Just downloaded the latest demo and the HDR function is full of artefacts all over the place. Tried multiple images, out of 10 merge, only one is somewhat great. Same set of images merge perfectly in Lightroom.
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Is there any update on this? It is a half-baked function right now without any updates for a long time now.
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We have the same problem since the release of the HDR feature. We test it with every version, but nothing is better....
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My worry is that they absolutely don't care about this. I posted on Facebook forum, and had a few questions about it, but no one from CaptureOne really seemed to care. No sign of fixing this important feature. I don't know what we could do to raise some awareness about it.
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I wrote again a support case and don't let them go this time ;-)
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Fingers crossed, hope for the best!
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Sadly this was the response. Everybody should open a ticket, when they have a problem!
Hi André,
Thanks for contacting us. We are aware of such issues and thank you for all the information, I will add it to the already existing report. However, with an exercise of being transparent with our users, I have to say that this is not a priority for us right now, but rest assured that your case is added to the report so we can give it more weight for our developers to consider giving it the needed action for the future releases.
Let me know if you need further assistance regarding this topic, or should we close this ticket.
Thanks again for your collaboration and understanding.0 -
At least there is some honesty in this reply. This deserves honesty from us:
Their priority is to generate new revenue, not to satisfy their customers, not to improve recently released features which don't work well even they know it, not to solve regression defects they recently introduced (in my case 2 defects in 15.3/15.4).
My wallet remains as closed as possible, and the first time since 2014 I am not sure I will ever upgrade again.
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I have had the same problem since the introduction of HDR. The pictures are close to unusable. This leaves me very disappointed, as HDR hast been of the biggest updates within years for C1 and now I can't use it. For me as a fulltime architectural photographer this is a very important topic and I can't see why it is not on C1 priority list. Very disappointing!
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