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Unable to open app after updating to 1.02 and lost all my edits/albums/presets



  • Emmanuel LORE


    Had same kind of issue yesterday: unable to open, user mismatch on payment information retrieval…. :-( 


    Resolved by removing / re-installing version 1.02… but all my albums are lost….

    Is there any support on the apps? I can hardly accept to pay and not to get a reliable service.



  • Sean Breslin

    It’s good to see Capture One support living up to its reputation by (not) providing a speedy response regarding this problem.

    There’s no way I’d purchase a subscription without decent customer support.

  • Jack W

    You can contact support at any time with any issues you are having in Capture One for iPad, in exactly the same way you would if you are experiencing any issues with Capture One Pro.

    Contact support here

    I've asked if this is a known issue and if that's the case, I will advise further in here. But please create a request with Support if you are encountering this issue.

  • Sean Breslin

    Jack - Thanks for the reply.

    The last time I contacted Customer Support (in December 2021 regarding the desktop version) it took 5 weeks to get a reply by which time I’d searched online elsewhere to solve the issue myself.

    I’ve already lost all my edits and presets etc. and have had to reinstall everything on the iPad. That makes me extremely cautious to install future updates.


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