Capture One Liveview with ipad 2022
I just watched the Capture One Livestream for ipad and was a little disappointed.
I was told by a pro camera dealer that the camera would connect to the ipad wirelessly through this new Capture One update for ipad without a cable. Similar to the way professional video shoots preview live to show the client as they are shooting (without cable). Does this even exist in photography? I guess if it works for video then there must be a photography option? I shoot a lot on location and the workflow I am looking for is to be able to show the client my test images and get their okay. I actually don't need it to show live as I shoot flash. Can anyone advise what is best. Thanks
Sounds like you're after something similar to Capture One Live :)
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So does Live transfer the images from camera (Canon 5D Mark lV) to ipad via wifi without any use for cables? In my workflow its not necessary that the client selects the images directly but if they can see them without having to stand right next to me and then make comments verbally. I would test this myself but I don't have a ipad so would like to know before purchasing
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Capture One Live does not transfer any RAW files, it simply displays a preview from your catalog or session and allows your viewer/client to see high resolution previews and rate, tag, or comment on the images.
Capture One Live also works on any device that has a web browser. All you have to do is share the link generated from the Live session and you'll be able to share it with anyone - either on set or online.
Let me know if you need any other pointers! We also have an FAQ here
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Following on this topic for similar clients reasons, is it possible to use the Live function without a laptop, directly from the camera to the iPad?
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You need Capture One Pro in order to initiate a Live Session. This cannot currently be done from Capture One for iPad.
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Ok, I understand. But, as I already have it, would One Pro work directly on an iPad? Just want to make sure before buying the iPad actually…
Thanks!0 -
Capture One Pro is only supported on Mac OS and Windows and won’t run on an iPad. What’s your goal? I hope I can advise further on an ideal setup.
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I actually ended up solving this simply by using the Canon Connect up (i use a Mark iv). It shoots directly to the app, can be previewed and can also allow the ipad to control the camera and take photos. It has been working perfectly.
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Alright thanks for the tip!
In fact, my goal would be to have only one device connected during the shoot in order to reduce the amount of equipment used. I find that a tablet is much more practical on set because of its portability and for all the other customer reasons mentioned above. The idea is not to make any edits to the images at this point, just to see them large on a portable device. I work with Fuji. The Fuji app is just terrible at accomplishing this simple task...
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When wil it be possible too have live view on Capture one for the I Pad
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