Can't Access version 22 catalogs with version 23.
Updated to version 23 and no catalogs or pictures from version 22 show up. Version 23 will not show the external HD where all pictures are stored. I have not removed version 22 from the computer yet. Running on a MacBook Pro. Help!!
I have a similar problem,
Version 22 is running just fine, but when I try to open the catalog in version 23, it offers to upgrade the catalog, but fails shortly after.
Luckily version 22 is still running ....
running macOS Ventura on a Studio Mac
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I also had an old - small test catalog, which did upgrade all right, but that's not the one containing all the photo's !
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All kinds of problems here with 23 on Ventura - it just won't recognise the database and crashes my external ssd where my sessions are.
freezing, not working, corrupting files. I thought I'd lost a whole folder of sessions at one point.
It's a disaster.
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jens henriksen, I usually found it safer to upgrade the catalog to a new version of CaptureOne by creating a new empty catalog first and then importing the old one into the new one. That way it doesn't have to modify the structure of the current catalog, which is what could potentially fail. Maybe this approach could work for you...
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Hi Eric,
It doesn't help to create a new cat and import the old one, this is what I get
Unable to read the catalog file. This file could be corrupt or incompatible with this version of Capture One.
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jens henriksen, Argh, that's a bummer. How big is your main catalog? Maybe you could create a bunch of smaller catalogs ( in v22 and then upgrade those individually to v23. Once the small catalogs are upgraded, create a new empty main catalog in v23 and re-import the upgraded small ones into it. Just spitballing here... depending on the size of your catalog, this could be a tedious operation but it might work.
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Seems to be the same with sessions. My problem is similar , but appears to be that C1 can't read my external SSD where the files are. I'm currently transferring the database to a local drive and will let you know if this changes anything. Might be of help?
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my catalog is 34 GB
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Same thing here :(
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I upgraded to Capture One 23 on Mac mini OS Ventura. I can't see external HD nor release 22 sessions.....any suggestions would be very per now, I can't use Capture 23 at all.
Nice rip off!......
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I fixed the issue by going to File, selecting Open and then finding the main Catalog file. When I opened the catalog file it updated everything to version 23. I had to do this for each of the 4 catalogs that I had. In my situation the catalog file is on the computer, the catalog backups are on the external drive along with the pictures. As soon as the Catalog file updated and opened, I could then see the external drive under folders. Hope this helps.
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I followed Walter's suggestions; after loading previous session, I can find external HD, but I can't access to photo problems still remain.....
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Just to be clear, did you do this for each catalog? You also need to find the (.cosessiondb) file for every session that you had, and open each one. My session file was a little harder to find, than the catalog file.
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I don't use catalog, just session. I had only one session and I opened it selecting (.cosessiondb) file. Nothing happened, just the name of external HD Raid in library tree view, but disabled. Another external HD not Raid can be accessed, instead.....
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to follow.
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Eric solution : " creating a new empty catalog first and then importing the old one into the new one" works for me, but not completly satisfying
--User collections all disappeared but one (very annoying)
--Recent imports are lost (only old catalog import)
--It lasts almost half an hour for a catalog of 900 photos, plus time for loading metadata and generating previews when I open a folder or a collection
But it works
Thank you
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DavidN, the missing collections are indeed a bit unsatisfactory. Would the second approach I mentioned possibly work better for you? In order to keep your user collections, you could export a collection as a separate catalog and then upgrade that to v23. Then create a new empty master catalog in v23 and import the small upgraded catalog into it. If that works, you could repeat the export-upgrade-import process for all the collections.
While you wouldn't get your old recent imports back, they instead would equal your old collections, so you can easily recreate them in the new catalog. Time-wise, probably not much to gain there but it might "feel" faster because you only upgrade/import small chunks at a time.
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Thanks Éric, I understand your proposition. I Guess I will wait until CO publish an update toi solve the issue
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Indeed, that would be the ideal solution. :)
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Well, finally It doesn't work a long time.
Now, when I open the new catalog where I have imported the Original Catalog, CO23 try to read metadata and freeze... (It's a similar problem when I try to update a CO22 catalog to CO23 format)
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