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The same procedure as every year


1 comment

  • Spicyjello

    Your not wrong!

    I love CO as a RAW editor, I think it the best out there, but I feel the same way. Every year I hope for improvements that actually help a working pro and I'm constantly let down. 

    Perhaps I'm the minority and I can accept that. I'm frustrated that there is no streamlined process for opening a file in PS but CO has lots of styles for sale and a re-designed Export dialogue thats poorly designed for volume work. 

    I already pay the highest price for any RAW editor out there, but am expected to pay an additional fee for an iPad version that is essentially useless. That makes no sense considering the other areas that need so much help. 

    Please CO, get the database performance into the current century. DAM is so painful. Lightroom's DAM was faster and more robust on day one.

    I really feel like the CO team is not in touch with whats actually needed. Just look at the upgrade process. So painful. Anyone working in CO daily, especially for a living, can tell you their frustrations. 

    I don't want to end on a negative rant. I love CO, but the frustrations and challenges are real. CO, please take the time to set aside the celebrity photographers and make an effort to listen to those of us who make a daily living in CO managing and touching millions of files yearly.

    THANK YOU to the Capture One team!
    THANK YOU to David Grover for all the amazing tutorials!


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