Full-time Creative Weddings for a living, Fine-Art, Steel, Pottery and Fire for fun The last 30 years were practice for whatever comes next "Walk Slow and Read"
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Spicyjello commented,
Here is a video of the behavior. https://ln5.sync.com/dl/0e1f21060/i2xbwvui-mtvvq249-qdxhmzyq-7bq6ie6r
Spicyjello commented,
Thanks for the reply. What I am seeing is not the cropping grids which I can see when cropping and I am able to turn on or off. This green grid only appears when I hover near the corner and get the...
Spicyjello created a post,
How to remove the green grid while rotating?
While rotating a crop selection I have a green grid overlay obscuring the image I need to see to properly align my rotation. I am not able to find a way to disable the overlay. Any thoughts?ThanksTroy
Spicyjello commented,
Smart adjustments are in version 16
Spicyjello commented,
What SFA said....LOLMy export settings look exactly as yours, the only difference is that I export to the desktop rather than the session output folder so Capture One no longer can find them.
Spicyjello commented,
Ventura here and same issue. Good catch!
Spicyjello commented,
Can you share a screen shot of the export settings you are currently using?
Spicyjello commented,
Glad you were able to save some of the data. It is a real oversight on Capture One's part, not to make the management of preferences more intuitive and a priority.
Spicyjello commented,
Definitely sucks! Do you have a backup of your machine from any time period? If on a Mac maybe a Time Machine?
Spicyjello commented,
Both screen shots are showing the same number of images in your catalog, 24424 and both show a photos folder that is dis connected. Can you right click on the photo folder and choose, locate and n...